[align=center][b]CSS Gradient Text[/b]
[b]Intro : [/b]
hi everyone i have a timeout from DotA clan wars and spend a couple minutes for write this article.
i will share a simple trick to make gradient text with CSS, but we need javascript to replace and add new element.
the basic knowledge is [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_DOM]DOM[/url] replacement and [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS]CSS[/url].
[b]Credit : [/b][url=http://www.webdesignerwall.com]WebDesignerWall[/url]
[b]browser compatibility :[/b] FF2+, FF3, Opera, Safari, [s]Internet Explorer[/s]
[b]CSS codes :[/b]
[i]open your css file and put this code :[/i]
/* --- gradient --- */
.shine {
background: url(path/to/gradient-shine.png) repeat-x;
background-position: top;
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 14px;
[i]see your global header style and edit look like this :[/i]
[i]/* --- basic color of font and background can be edited and make it blend with your profile --- */[/i]
.commonbox h1, .commonbox h2 {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
[b] font-weight: bold;
position: relative;[/b]
/* underscore hack for IE */
_position:inherit !important;
_display:block !important;
gradient image :
[quote][align=center][i][b]Tips :[/b] your background color must darker than font color[/i][/align][/quote]
[b]Example Replacement : [/b]
[i]first back-up your main JS file, and replace default header with this script :[/i]
//put this script inside onProfileLoad function
//control panel header
gr.innerHTML="<span class=\"shine\"></span>[b]Control Panel Header[/b]";
//photo gallery
g2.innerHTML="<span class=\"shine\"></span>[b]Photo Gallery[/b]";
//more about me
g3.innerHTML="<span class=\"shine\"></span>[b]More About Gradient[/b]";
if you already have header replacement, just put empty span with '[b]shine[/b]' class before your header title[/i]
[quote][b]<span class=\"shine\"></span>[/b][/quote]
[i]this effects also can be used on addBox Header or Show/Hide with effects by [b]ferruz[/b][/i]
[b]Preview :[/b]
[b]Demo :[/b]
[url=http://profiles.friendster.com/60643239]Demo 1[/url]
[quote][b]Internet Explorer Issue :[/b]
- gradient effect not appear, but sometimes appear.
- each of box header lose/hide/gone, but sometimes appear.
- understanding box positioning IE(absolute box inside relative box).
- transparent *.png image (IE6 only)[/quote]
Last edited by gumscumbag (2008-08-19 08:04:44)