• » credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

Pages: 12

credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt.grigg@virgin.net) For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com */ Cupid=new Image(); Cupid.src="http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/595/cuteft2.gif"; //specify path to Cupid image amount=3; //Number of cupids, minimum must be 3. Xpos=700; //cupids x coordinates, in pixel Ypos=200; //cupids y coordinates, in pixel step=0.3; //Animation speed (smaller is slower) dismissafter=1000; //seconds after which Cupids should disappear, in seconds var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all bats=new Array(3) if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) {document.write("<LAYER NAME=n"+i+" LEFT=0 TOP=-50><a href='http://www.dynamicdrive.com'><IMG SRC='"+Cupid.src+"' NAME='nsi' width=69 height=60 border=0></a></LAYER>")} } else if (document.all||ns6){ document.write('<div id="out" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0"><div id="in" style="position:relative">'); for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ if (document.all) document.write('<a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="msieBats" style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') else document.write('<a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="ns6Bats'+i+'" width=69 height=60 style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') } document.write('</div></div>'); } yBase=xBase=currStep=a_count=0; b_count=1; c_count=2; d_count=3; move=1; if (document.layers||ns6){ yBase=window.innerHeight/3; xBase=window.innerWidth/6; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } if (document.all){ yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight/3; xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth/6; } function dismisscupid(){ clearInterval(flycupid) if (document.layers){ for (i2=0; i2 < amount; i2++){ document.layers['n'+i2].visibility="hide" } } else if (document.all) document.all.out.style.visibility="hidden" else if (ns6) document.getElementById("out").style.visibility="hidden" } if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.layers['n'+i].document.images['nsi'].src=Cupid.src } else if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.all.msieBats[i].src=Cupid.src } function Animate(){ a_count+=move; b_count+=move; c_count+=move; currStep+=step; if (a_count >= bats.length) a_count=0; if (b_count >= bats.length) b_count=0; if (c_count >= bats.length) c_count=0; if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) { var NewL="n"+i document.layers[NewL].top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.layers[NewL].left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelTop = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelLeft =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (ns6){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } } flycupid=setInterval('Animate()',30); setTimeout("dismisscupid()",dismissafter*1000) [/spoiler] [quote]Cupid=new Image(); Cupid.src="cute.gif"; //specify path to Cupid image amount=3; //Number of cupids, minimum must be 3. Xpos=700; //cupids x coordinates, in pixel Ypos=200; //cupids y coordinates, in pixel step=0.3; //Animation speed (smaller is slower) dismissafter=10; //seconds after which Cupids should disappear, in seconds[/quote] - kamu bisa ganti angka 3 nya sama jumlah angka buat display cupid kamu di prfile.. - pada dismissafter = 10 itu merupakan berapa detik cupid kamu tampil di profile..kamu bisa ganti sesuai kemauan kamu ko..(hitungannya dalam detik yach..)..boleh 1000000 ko..biar ga ilang.. terus save ke js eksternal km ok... sya pk tutorial http://theftalk.com/t33014-%5BTUTORIAL%5D-How-To-Put-JS-Tweaks-In-Your-Layouts.html preview: http://profiles.friendster.com/suckerhero + repu yach.. pliss!!! [spoiler]i love muti mamamia[/spoiler]

Last edited by aFgHInZ (2008-07-28 11:15:42)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

:arrow: [b]aFgHInZ[/b] =):thumbsup: boleh liat pripiunya biar lbh mantep
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

[quote]<script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- /* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt.grigg@virgin.net) For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com */ Cupid=new Image(); Cupid.src="cute.gif"; //specify path to Cupid image amount=3; //Number of cupids, minimum must be 3. Xpos=700; //cupids x coordinates, in pixel Ypos=200; //cupids y coordinates, in pixel step=0.3; //Animation speed (smaller is slower) dismissafter=10; //seconds after which Cupids should disappear, in seconds var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all bats=new Array(3) if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) {document.write("<LAYER NAME=n"+i+" LEFT=0 TOP=-50><a href='http://www.dynamicdrive.com'><IMG SRC='"+Cupid.src+"' NAME='nsi' width=69 height=60 border=0></a></LAYER>")} } else if (document.all||ns6){ document.write('<div id="out" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0"><div id="in" style="position:relative">'); for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ if (document.all) document.write('<a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="msieBats" style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') else document.write('<a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="ns6Bats'+i+'" width=69 height=60 style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') } document.write('</div></div>'); } yBase=xBase=currStep=a_count=0; b_count=1; c_count=2; d_count=3; move=1; if (document.layers||ns6){ yBase=window.innerHeight/3; xBase=window.innerWidth/6; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } if (document.all){ yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight/3; xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth/6; } function dismisscupid(){ clearInterval(flycupid) if (document.layers){ for (i2=0; i2 < amount; i2++){ document.layers['n'+i2].visibility="hide" } } else if (document.all) document.all.out.style.visibility="hidden" else if (ns6) document.getElementById("out").style.visibility="hidden" } if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.layers['n'+i].document.images['nsi'].src=Cupid.src } else if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.all.msieBats[i].src=Cupid.src } else if (ns6){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).src=Cupid.src } function Animate(){ a_count+=move; b_count+=move; c_count+=move; currStep+=step; if (a_count >= bats.length) a_count=0; if (b_count >= bats.length) b_count=0; if (c_count >= bats.length) c_count=0; if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) { var NewL="n"+i document.layers[NewL].top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.layers[NewL].left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelTop = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelLeft =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (ns6){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } } flycupid=setInterval('Animate()',30); setTimeout("dismisscupid()",dismissafter*1000) //--> </script>[/quote] Apakah tag scriptnya diperlukan :eh: Kayaknya ga klo disimpen di js external.... Please di edit
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

previewnya mana? :eh::eh: biar yg lain percaya kalau [b]script itu jalan[/b] lai.. :eh:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

kalo mw ini =) [quote=aFgHInZ]+ repu yach.. pliss!!![/quote] preview nya dulu supaya temen2 pada yakin kodenya jalan. .
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

pripiu dunks bos.. :eh::eh:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

okey.. sorryy.. udah di update boss..
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

yg saya tau itu baru script mentahnya dr dynamicdrive bos saya jg dah liat kita disini pengennya kamu berekperimen agar scriptnya bisa dimasukin ke JS eksternal dan masuk ke profile fs bukan di HTML ;) klw untuk html mending rubah judulnya untuk enter page bukan untuk fs ;)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

waduh???? Bisa di FS gaK??? Kayanya koq di script gaK ada yg langsung ke url imagenya... Previuwnya yg di FS..jangan html bagusnya di enter page aza nie kaLo di tinggaL lama2 hilang lagi cupidnya itu script mentah edit lagi...sebelum di exit

Last edited by adhie46 (2008-07-28 09:14:01)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

[quote=ymm0t]Apakah tag scriptnya diperlukan :eh: Kayaknya ga klo disimpen di js external.... Please di edit[/quote] Betul itu bro ymm0t :) Ini scriptnya masih dalam bentuk HTML dan belum dalam bentuk JS extension. Coba di-rekonfigurasi kembali scriptnya bro Afghinz :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

para master FS di sini semua.... tolong bantulah bro [b]aFgHInZ[/b] biar dapat di inject di JS profile FS....
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

ntar dulu kauand2 semua mau test dengan FS
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

[quote=kuntilanak]para master FS di sini semua.... tolong bantulah bro aFgHInZ biar dapat di inject di JS profile FS....[/quote] klw gk salah nih ya pernah liat forum di trick and tutorial sama org luar sharenya coba dech cari tp lupa siapa yg share :|
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

ntuh bisa dipake gag seh ko pripiu na html gitu :crybaby:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

Gue Dah Bisa ye................... Gini caranya Copy dan paste script ini di js externaL [spoiler]Cupid=new Image(); Cupid.src="http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/992/cutewl6.gif"; //specify path to Cupid image amount=3; //Number of cupids, minimum must be 3. Xpos=700; //cupids x coordinates, in pixel Ypos=200; //cupids y coordinates, in pixel step=0.3; //Animation speed (smaller is slower) dismissafter=10; //seconds after which Cupids should disappear, in seconds[/spoiler] Lalu upload file ini [spoiler]var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all bats=new Array(3) if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) {document.write("<LAYER NAME=n"+i+" LEFT=0 TOP=-50><a href='http://www.dynamicdrive.com'><IMG SRC='"+Cupid.src+"' NAME='nsi' width=69 height=60 border=0></a></LAYER>")} } else if (document.all||ns6){ document.write('<div id="out" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0"><div id="in" style="position:relative">'); for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ if (document.all) document.write('<a href="#"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="msieBats" style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') else document.write('<a href="#"><img src="'+Cupid.src+'" id="ns6Bats'+i+'" width=69 height=60 style="position:absolute;top:-50;left:0" border=0></a>') } document.write('</div></div>'); } yBase=xBase=currStep=a_count=0; b_count=1; c_count=2; d_count=3; move=1; if (document.layers||ns6){ yBase=window.innerHeight/3; xBase=window.innerWidth/6; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } if (document.all){ yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight/3; xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth/6; } function dismisscupid(){ clearInterval(flycupid) if (document.layers){ for (i2=0; i2 < amount; i2++){ document.layers['n'+i2].visibility="hide" } } else if (document.all) document.all.out.style.visibility="hidden" else if (ns6) document.getElementById("out").style.visibility="hidden" } if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.layers['n'+i].document.images['nsi'].src=Cupid.src } else if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.all.msieBats[i].src=Cupid.src } else if (ns6){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).src=Cupid.src } function Animate(){ a_count+=move; b_count+=move; c_count+=move; currStep+=step; if (a_count >= bats.length) a_count=0; if (b_count >= bats.length) b_count=0; if (c_count >= bats.length) c_count=0; if (document.layers){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++) { var NewL="n"+i document.layers[NewL].top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.layers[NewL].left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (document.all){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelTop = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.all.msieBats[i].style.pixelLeft =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } if (ns6){ for (i=0; i < amount; i++){ document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.top = Ypos+yBase*Math.sin(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/10) document.getElementById("ns6Bats"+i).style.left =Xpos+xBase*Math.cos(((currStep)+i*3.7)/4)*Math.cos((currStep+i*35)/62) } } } flycupid=setInterval('Animate()',30); setTimeout("dismisscupid()",dismissafter*[b]20000[/b]) //-->[/spoiler] Ubah bagian Bold biar cupidnya lama di FS kamu,karena dy bisa ilang lalu copy URL file tadi...dan masukin script ini di bagian A <">preview:::::: [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/onemmone[/url] Selamat Mencoba :thumbsup::thumbsup: [spoiler]Repunya Buat aku aza ya.......please....... Dah susah payah dengan banting tulang yg posting ga tau2... =D=D=D[/spoiler] [spoiler]BUKAN NEWBIE BIASA[/spoiler]

Last edited by adhie46 (2008-07-28 10:17:22)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

new upadate.. dari yg ngeposting tuh udah bisa.. INSYA ALLAH.. SORY2... td uangnya biz buat ngenetnya jd ga sempet tak edit lagi.. hehehehe... coba yachh...

Last edited by aFgHInZ (2008-07-28 11:13:46)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

wew... ow.. gituu :thumbsup: kerennn
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

[quote=adhie46]Gue Dah Bisa ye...................[/quote] jeh girangnya heheh mantab +1 deh buad kamu
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

fuuh bingung.. mo ikut2an nyoba deh.. semoga succes buat semua.. ting ;)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

wah bingung nih.................... tapi makasih udah share....................... lam kenal yach................. :evil:
  • » credit to: dynamicdrive.. working on: FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+ buat yg lg jatuh cinta mungkin ni pas buat kalian.. hehehe.. copas.. [spoiler]/* Flying Cupids- By Dynamic Drive, based on script by Kurt (kurt

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