[u]Text codes![/u]
[b]Bold your text![/b]
[b]Italicize your text[/b]
[b]Strikeout Your Text[/b]
[b]Oveline your text[/b]
<span style="text-decoration: overline"
[u]Text codes![/u]
[b]Bold your text![/b]
[b]Italicize your text[/b]
[b]Strikeout Your Text[/b]
[b]Oveline your text[/b]
<span style="text-decoration: overline">TEXT</span>
[b]Superscript your text[/b]
[b]Subscript your text[/b]
[b]Change the color of ur text![/b]
<font color="COLOR">TEXT</font>
[b]Highlight ur text![/b]
<span style="background-color: COLOR">TEXT</span>
[b]Change the size of ur text![/b]
<font size="NUMBER">TEXT</font>
[b]Change the font of ur text[/b]
<font face="NAME">TEXT</font>
Example of fonts:
Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings
[u]Marquee codes[/u]
[b]Right to left marquee[/b]
[b]Left 2 right marquee[/b]
<marquee direction="right">TEXT</marquee>
[b]Alternate marquee[/b]
<marquee behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee>
[b]Up marquee[/b]
<marquee direction="up">TEXT</marquee>
[b]Down marquee[/b]
<marquee direction="down">TEXT</marquee>
[b]Up/down marquee[/b]
<marquee direction="up" behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee>
[b]Zig zag marquee[/b]
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="up" width="80%"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee></marquee>
[b]Wave marquee[/b]
<marquee behavior=alternate direction=up scrollamount=2 scrolldelay=65 height=80 style="Text-align;filter:wave(add=0,phase=1, freq=1,strength=15,color=.FFFFFF)"><center>TEXT<br>TEXT</center></marquee>
[u]Link codes[/u]
[b]TextLink Opening in New Window[/b]
[b]Image link[/b]
<A HREF="URL"><img src="PICURL"></A>
[b]Image Link Opening in New Window[/b]
<A TARGET="_blank" HREF="URL"><img src="PICURL"></A>
Hope I helped!