• » You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

Pages: 1

You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: <">just change the http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1263/1263887l4gk7zjtv8.gif w/ the image u choose.

Last edited by deane101 (2008-07-30 04:09:47)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

i think most of the members here are know that olready..i mean the image tag..:| bout the image,they can know where did u get the image by simply ryt clik on it!! if they dont have ryt clik js!:D

Last edited by cronixemo (2008-07-30 04:13:14)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

i know.. most of the memeber know that already..:wasted: thanks 4 d' effort though..:thumbsup:
  • » You hate it right if you have link in your image? and people will know where did you ge your image? Well, I've the solution for that.. Here is the code! The code is: [code]<img src="http://dl7.glitte

Pages: 1

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