i hope this thing will help you!!..,,
well i just want to share this thing to
all the members of this forum
[b]if this thing is posted already you can delete this tnx..,,
[color=#FF0000][b][u]LATEST JS LINKER[/u][/b][/color]
[b]JS Linker # 1[/b]
<">[b]>then paste it in your Media Box[/b]
[b]JS Linker # 2[/b]
<">[b]>then this one paste is in Who I Want to Meet Section [/b]
[b]>Just replace the bolded part "PLACE UR URL HERE" to your own URL of your JS files [/b]
[color=blue][b][u]LATEST CSS LINKER[/u][/b][/color]
[b]CSS Linker # 1[/b]
<">[b]>then paste it in your Media Box[/b]
[b]CSS Linker # 2[/b]
<">[b]>then this one paste is in Who I Want to Meet Section [/b]
[b]>always remember to replace the bolded part "PLACE UR URL HERE" to your own URL of your CSS files [/b]
[color=blue][b][u]LINKER GENERATORS[/u][/b][/color]
linker generator1 : [url]http://lalaine.eehjhay.com/jsgenerator.html[/url]
linker generator2 : [url]http://xavierkym.110mb.com/generator/[/url]
linker generator1 : [url]http://lalaine.eehjhay.com/cssgenerator.html[/url]
linker generator2 : [url]http://the-cradle.users-board.com/CSS-Linker-h3.htm[/url][/spoiler]
[color=#FF0000][b][u]TAKE NOTE USING THIS GENERATORS:[/u][/b][/color]
>if the other linker does not work use the other one!!
>just follow the instruction
[color=#FF0000][b]Credit:[/b][/color][b]The Cradle non-ftalk member, Lalaine non-ftalk member and xavierkym[/b]
Last edited by aldrin1327 (2008-07-30 13:34:36)