[quote]Maybe the viewers are having a hard time reading your about me, blogs and etc...This trick will solves your viewer's problems...It will alert the viewer and will ask if he/she want to enlarge the font...

[b][url=http://profiles.friendster.com/ramonhelp]MY TEST PAGE[/url][/b]


simply put this code on your compile js...
[spoiler]var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr');
var szs = new Array( 'xx-small','x-small','small','medium','large','x-large','xx-large' );
var startSz = 2;
function ts( trgt,inc ) {
if (!document.getElementById) return
var d = document,cEl = null,sz = startSz,i,j,cTags;
sz += inc;
if ( sz < 0 ) sz = 0;
if ( sz > 6 ) sz = 6;
startSz = sz;
if ( !( cEl = d.getElementById( trgt ) ) ) cEl = d.getElementsByTagName( trgt )[ 0 ];
cEl.style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < tgs.length ; i++ ) {
cTags = cEl.getElementsByTagName( tgs[ i ] );
for ( j = 0 ; j < cTags.length ; j++ ) cTags[ j ].style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];
var r=confirm("[b]Do you want to enlarge the font so you can see it clearly?[/b]");
if (r==true)
Change the [b]bold[/b] part with your message you like then the [color=blue]blue[/color] part if you want more bigger font, higher is bigger...
[align=center]Hope you'll like this trick....

Last edited by R-A-M-O-N-help (2009-01-31 05:49:17)