[b]Don't tell me to do this one:[/b]
[spoiler]]1. Click on Start
1. Choose Control Panel
2. Click on System Icon
3. Choose the "Advanced" tab, click "Settings" under "Performance"
4. Under the "Visual
[b]Don't tell me to do this one:[/b]
[spoiler]]1. Click on Start
1. Choose Control Panel
2. Click on System Icon
3. Choose the "Advanced" tab, click "Settings" under "Performance"
4. Under the "Visual Effects" tab I Chose (checked) Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.
3. On the Advanced tab, click Settings under Performance.
4. Click to clear the Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop check box, click Apply, and then click OK two times.
5. Close Control Panel[/spoiler]
Im done with that. Still, desktop icons were still in colors.
I want them to be transparent.
Hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance.