well if you're to enjoy bar hopping the most here's a list of what me and my peers do and prepare and must haves:
1. if you plan on long bar hops, it's more economical if you guys have your own car... a van or suv is better if you are many... otherwise you guys can just simply walk from bar to bar if you live in a place like dear Baguio City
2. don't drink too much on each bar... dance, talk, socialize, party, party, party! a drink or two then hop!
3. don't hop at bars with entrance fees as a priority, try to reserve them for last...
4. don't spend too much on one bar alone, i tell you, money is a big player when bar hopping... so be sure to stack a bunch and save a bunch... don't be too cocky showing off and being the "elitist socialite"... just have fun... jive with others...
remember, bar hopping is not about drinking... eat more, socialize, enjoy the night, meet new friends, rave, dance, party! and don't drink alot...