1. Open a new document in photoshop with a white background.
Size should be 760x770 pixels.
2. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool ( set radius to 20 pixels ) and draw a simple grey rectangle.
1. Open a new document in photoshop with a white background.
Size should be 760x770 pixels.
2. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool ( set radius to 20 pixels ) and draw a simple grey rectangle.
3. Next go to Edit > Transform Path > Warp and use the following settings:
4. Hit Enter then with Move Tool place this shape in the middle of the canvas.
If you want to resize the image, just press Ctrl+T and drag each corner to fit your size and click Enter.
5. Now we will add some layer styles.
Be sure you have this layer selected.
Then add the following layer styles:
This is my result:
6. Now hold the CTRL key down and press on the Layer Thumbnail with your left mouse click.
You will notice that you have selected all the layer:
7. Now create a new layer ( press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N ) then go to Select > Modify > Contract ( Choose contract by 20 pixels ) and press ok.
This is my result:
8. Select Paint Bucket Tool and fill your selection with white ( or any other color you want ).
Then press CTRL+D to deselect.
9. Now select Rectangle Marquee Tool and drag it creating a box starting from the middle left side of canvas.
Then click Delete.
10. Now select Elliptical Marquee Tool and drag it creating an oval.
Click Delete to remove the remaining parts.
Then press CTRL+D to deselect.[img]http://i49.servimg.com/u/f49/10/09/38/96/ellipt10.jpg[/img]
This is my result:
11. Now please add the following layer styles:
this is my result:
12. Now we will add a navigation under blue header.
First select Rounded Rectangle Tool and make a simple rectangle:
13. Go to Edit > transform path > perspective and drag the left bottom corner to the left side and press Enter.
If you want to resize the image, just press Ctrl+T and drag each corner to fit your size and click Enter.
This is the result:
14. Now add the following layer styles:
15. Now we will change the Layer order. Click layer 1 and drag it up.
This is the result:
16. Now we will add some screws heads.
Create again a new layer ( press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N ).
Select Ellipse Tool and make a small circle ( hold down SHIFT key while you create this circle )
Then add the following layer styles:
17. Duplicated this layer a few times.
Placed this small screw heads like in the following image.
If you want to resize the each screw image, just press Ctrl+T.
Hold down SHIFT key and drag one corner to fit your size and click Enter.
18. Your web template is done!
Just add the texts you needed on it.
Have fun!