• » What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

Pages: 123

What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS Code in order for us to remove it. =) So let's begin.. [img]http://img36.picoodle.com/img/img36/9/10/12/f_CSSm_15c80f4.jpg[/img] [b]study this first [/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/t42193-Tutorial-membuat-css-dan-js-file..html]Making File Extensions[/url] [hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr] [b]CSS HIDE CODES:[/b] [quote]/* Hide primary photo */ div.imgblock200 {display:none !important} div.imgblock200 img {display:none !important}[/quote] [quote]/* Remove Find Friends Link */ #mainnav div div {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Caption Under Primary Photo */ #content_0 .itd {font-size:0px;} #controlpanelbuttons {font-size:11px!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Remove Bulky Images/Embeds in Your Comments */#content_18 .data img, #content_18 .data embed {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Navigation Language */ #navLang { display: none ! important }[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the arrows in your mainnav dropdown links */ #mainnav .mainfoldericon {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide About me paragraph in control panel*/ .controlpanel p {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Recent Updates */ .user_tracker {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Google Search */ #search form { display : none !important; }[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Friendster Classifieds */ #marketing {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Footer */ #footer_container {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Footer link only */ #footer a {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide friendster logo */ #logo {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide sidebar google ads*/ #content_14 {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Messages | Setting | Help | Log out*/ #subnav {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide How you are connected box */ #content_15 {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide control panel buttons */ #controlPanelButtons {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide White bar under navigation */ #marketing_bg {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the Home | My Profile | My Connections*/ #mainnav {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the whole top navigation */ #navigation {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the surfer */ #surfer {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide hide the divider */ #navdivider {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Classifieds | Jobs | */ .secondary_links {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide you Photo gallery's photos */ #content_1 .flogriditem {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide your featured friends photos */ #content_2 .flogriditem {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the about me link above recent updates */ #content_0 a.more {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide banner ads on top */ .banner_ad_fix {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the view all link of boxes like comments, testi, and friends*/ .commonbox .viewall {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the headers of all box */ .commonbox h1, .commonbox h2 {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide your featured friends' names */ #content_2 .dr {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the edit link like edit featured friends and edit reviews */ .commonbox .editlink {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the arrows of your blogs */ ul.entries li {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the photos in your testimonials comments */ #content_18 .imgblock75 {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the shoutoutbox */ #cpShoutoutBox {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Change the div_id for specific box 2 hide the header*/ #div_id .h2 {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Control panel box header */ #controlpanel_header {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the spacer */ #shimrow {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide Group updates */ #content_8 .data {display:none!important;}[/quote] [quote]/* Hide the whole profile */ #flo_wrapper, #footer_container {display:none!important;}[/quote] [hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr] [b]Master Boxes :[/b] [quote]/* Control Panel */ .controlpanel{position:absolute!important;bottom:2000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Photos*/ .photos{position:absolute!important;bottom:3000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Blogs*/ .blogs{position:absolute!important;bottom:4000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Reviews*/ .reviews{position:absolute!important;bottom:5000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*About Me*/ .moreabout{position:absolute!important;bottom:6000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Public Comments*/ .publiccomments{position:absolute!important;bottom:7000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Applications*/ .AppModule{position:absolute!important;bottom:8000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Media Box*/ .scrapbook{position:absolute!important;bottom:9000px;float:left!important}[/quote] [b]Side Boxes :[/b] [quote]/*How You Are Connected Box*/ .meettrail{position:absolute!important;bottom:2000px;float:right!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Friends*/ .friends{position:absolute!important;bottom:3000px;float:right!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Ads*/ #content_14 iframe, #content_14 embed, #content_14 img{display:none!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Fan Of*/ .fanof{position:absolute!important;bottom:5000px;float:right!important}[/quote] [quote]/*Groups*/ .groups{position:absolute!important;bottom:4000px;float:right!important}[/quote] [hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr][hr] [align=center] [b]credit by : xavierkym[/b][/align]

Last edited by AFZULNIZAM (2009-04-06 06:57:40)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

wah...bagus ini untuk newbie kamu rajin yah ngepost disini... aku ni males :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[b]:arrow: AFZULNIZAM[/b] no problem bro.... :D iya nih lagi mutz posting nih qw... :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

thanx for sharing here..... :lol::thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[b]:arrow: idiot_goblinz[/b] oke bro.... sep dech....... sama sama.... =)
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

trima kasi..:) aku baru tau code ini..:wallbash::wallbash:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

owh yake....thanks semua nie...hahaha..aku dah abadikan code ni dalam css ku..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[b]:arrow: suddendeath[/b] hehhee... jadi gak sia sia nih qw share di sini :D [b]:arrow: RedInfinityWorld[/b] bagus dech kalu gitu :thumbsup: [b] :arrow: the_bucepati[/b] tolong jangan bikin spam di sini
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

thnks for share.. bagus buat newbie seperti gw.. =(:thumbsup: :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[quote=pinoZ-FIXED-noZ]thnks for share.. bagus buat newbie seperti gw.. =(:thumbsup: :lol:[/quote] wah becanda jangan gitu... km kan gak newbie.... gmn sech .. :evil:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

mantap ini.. bagus bro..bagus utk noob sperti gue =D gue suka code css.. makasih kerna share =) :thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[quote=ammar1408]mantap ini.. bagus bro..bagus utk noob sperti gue =D gue suka code css.. makasih kerna share =) :thumbsup:[/quote] okey bro... selamat mencoba yach
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

thanks for sharing mr. kacang`z complete css so cool :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

keep it up..............................nice
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

thanks for sharing :thumbsup: I like :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[b]kacang`z[/b] terus bro! mari'lah kita saling membantu! =) meskipun kita bukan dari satu negara.. :) hho. btw,. janggan lupa credit'nya untuk sapa... ok bos! \m/ :D \m/
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[quote=CoWoCuPu]terus bro! mari'lah kita saling membantu! =) meskipun kita bukan dari satu negara.. :) hho. btw,. janggan lupa credit'nya untuk sapa... ok bos! \m/ :D \m/[/quote] okey dech bro... makasih yach :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

trima kasi krana share..:) bgs btl code css ni utk newbie....=)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

[quote=amirulzz]trima kasi krana share..:) bgs btl code css ni utk newbie....=)[/quote] mudah mudahan berguna dan dapat di fahami..
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

lumayan juga treed nya... sampai sampai.... di kasih [b]sticky[/b]
  • » What is the use of this thread? -- HIDE CODES -> means that we use CSS Codes so that we can remove anything we don't want in our profile. For example, to remove the Google Ads we use a certain CSS C

Pages: 123

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