• » If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Pages: 12

If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

» FTalkManiac

If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, numerical and _.-'!~*()$@:, - You must've been registered for more than 3 month - I may reject your username change request, so give a good reason - Once changed, you cannot request to change your username again. - Post in this thread according to the request format below - Do not post anything if you dont want to change your username Request format: current username: [b]xxxxx[/b] new username: [b]xxxxx[/b] reason: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Code for the request format: <">This is open for a limited number of members only and I may close this anytime soon.
» FTalkManiac

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Once again, please do not post in this thread if you're not willing to change your username. Thank you.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]deathwish4MCR-freak-dude[/b] new username: [b]Jirichi Ryunashira[/b] reason: it's a tl;dr username. and i realized that it's a trap username. because until this time, other members still call me "[i]bro, bang, om, dude[/i]". they thought i'm a boy, the fact is i'm a girl. *they didn't see the gender sign ([img]http://theftalk.com/img/female.gif[/img]). ;_; well, i've been waiting so long for this. since 2007. haha. this is the only chance for me to change username once in a lifetime. i hope admin can change my username. i'll be thankful for that. :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]CraZyRowkZ Emo[/b] new username: [b]Lyas-rowkz[/b] reason: bcoz i have long username..and mamber hav time to type my name "crazyrowkz emo" huhu.. with the new username mamber can call me lyas... and the reason again..i'm not emo now..i want to delet emo in my usernames.. :eh: ... i hope admin can change my usernames to... i would be happy.and thx to admin... :cool:
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요[/b] new username: [b]Shim Oo-Ma[/b] reason: The Korean characters in my username are appearing weird. Sometimes, it appear as special characters on some member's browser. Like what admin said, [quote]Support FriendsterTalk! Feel free to put these add-ons on your profile or website. [i] Special ASCII characters in your username might prevent it from being displayed properly![/i][/quote] And my username has a special ASCII character :eh: Also, some members are calling me bro bro bro :lol: Well that's teh reason why i want to change my username ;) Thanks in advance :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]blancheee48[/b] new username: [b]Blanche[/b] (if not available please use [b]Ehcnalb[/b] instead) reason: I really want to change my username badly. My username here (& in some forums) is one of my regrets. I created my account here, some long time ago :lol: and in that "some long time ago" I was still a newb in forums. And some members call me 'Blancheee' (even though I already told them to call me Blanche). I dont like being addressed like that. I hope you can change mine. (: I hope my request in changing my username won't be rejected. =p

Last edited by blancheee48 (2008-08-31 07:04:11)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Current username: [b]Faelnar84[/b] New username: [b]Bridget[/b] Reason: Cause I seen lots of people using their names as usernames and I envy them.Though [b]faelnar84[/b] is my one and only always username and I dont liek them to call me [b]faelnar[/b] cause it`s actually my family name. I hope you could change it Admin,Thanks. :):thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]ReversEdge[/b] new username: [b]ReverzerO[/b] reason: In order to have one username in all accounts I have, Friendster, Friendstertalk and etc.. Thank you Administrator:)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]icekandi[/b] new username: [b]aysbeaux[/b] reason: Reason? Well.. The username that I chose is available. And the characters are all allowed. Also, I've been a member since NOVEMBER2006. I've changed my YM ID, too, recently. And I fixed my blog which is also part of my [i]changing thing[/i]. So.. I think this is a good opportunity to go [i]all the way[/i]. If you know what I mean. I'm sick of people calling me icek[b]e[/b]ndi. It's not E! It's A, haha. Another thing, I'm a girl, not a dude. It's been a year since I had the idea of you allowing us to change usernames, so I searched the WWW for some ideas (eventhough I'm just fantasizing about the changing), found [u]BEAU[/u] (French for beautiful) in the Merriam Online Dictionary and decided that I'll use it if ever that you'll allow us to change the usernames. And MY LORD! You did! My research work payed off. Thanks, Admin. :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

At last!! :o finally! :o have been waiting for this....... Thank you!! [quote]current username: [b]anime_mania_01[/b] new username: [b]anne.24[/b] reason: Why? Because when I was registered here, Ii never knew that username will be ur display name, and I am so frustrated to know that we can't change username. Okay, reasons, so, ppl found hard times in memorizing my name, since it's so long, and some people said that am a guy... (frustrated), I want to keep it short this time, so ppl could at least remember me. Thank you in advance. :D[/quote]
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]suddendeath[/b] new username: [b]adeqz[/b] reason: i hate my old username...and it to long...by using new usename maybe its easy to remember...
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Sankyuu for opening a thread liek this Sir Admin. [quote]Current (stupid) Username: [b]Deviantangel1995[/b] New (uber cool) Username: [b]Deviantangel[/b] Reason: 1) With the numbers, its kind of tl;dr and its hard to type the numbers in the log in cuz' the keys are whacked.[/quote] I hope that my reasons are valid and my username changed. :retard:

Last edited by Deviantangel1995 (2008-08-31 05:25:29)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]tjayvalrose_02[/b] new username: [b]dheetiij's[/b] reason: i don't want to include the rose anymore , bcoz that's the name of my ex-[s]fagot[/s] girlfriend :| and beside it looks like i was a girl :rose: :| Please ,change it admin-sama ,i don't like to include the rose in every post that i made in this forum anymore :crybaby: Thank you.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]james_cuteoo2[/b] new username: [b]jamessss:b[/b] reason: [b]it's because the part of my username CUTE is kindah rude. right?[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b] shinaske [/b] new username: [b] yEnyiE [/b] reasons: 1st: i sometimes so confuse about the spelling (because i just made it with some splitted words) 2nd: i hate it now (because nobody recognize me as shinaske in fs and i think yenyie will be btter for my old username) 3rd: they cant recognize my name like [b]LANIEL[/b] of [b]LANCE.[/b] yenyie comes from [b]LANIEL[/b] translated as [b]YENYIEY[/b] but i choo0se to make it [b]yenyie[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

current username: [b]nicca07[/b] new username: [b]xaxii[/b] reason: I'm in no mood to use nicca07.. and i want a "unique" username.. Hope i can get my new username!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Current Username: [b]kEiyThLyN[/b] new username: [b]caitz020518[/b] reason: I dont want my current username and sometimes they misspelled my name. And some of my friends call me caitz that's why i need to change my username. My current username is not popular anymore..! LOL :lol:

Last edited by kEiyThLyN (2008-08-31 21:27:00)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Current username: [b]Kurt_Titz[/b] new username: [b]Spectre[/b] reason: ive been using that username in other website and im bored already with that username...
Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

First off.....Thank you to Admin for allowing this on a limited basis. I hope I will be one of the lucky members granted this username change. Many, many, many, many thanks in advance if you grant me this. Current username: [b]bhebhiej[/b] New username: [b]Infamous J[/b] Reason: When registering with my current username I stupidly incorporated a nickname given to me by my now ex-girlfriend and I really hate my username. I should have gone with my first instincts which is the new username that I have listed as my request. I know my reason may not be the best reason in comparison with other reasons given by other members. I realize that I made a mistake when creating my account here and I should have been more careful when choosing my username. I should have treated my username like a tattoo....but I didn't. Please forgive my momentary lapse in judgement. Everybody makes those kinds of mistakes. I intend to be a longtime active member here in FTalk and I don't want to be forever known as "bhebhiej". Please allow me to have a "second chance". The username I am requesting is also a username that I use at many other sites, including some sites where I have used that username for years and I've never had second thoughts about it so I know I'll be happy with it if granted to me. Again, thank you for considering this and thank you very much in advance if you grant my request. =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Current username: lordheinz New username: [b]Heinz™[/b] (with additional ™) reason: I want to use my real name as my username here in the forum... wish you will grant my request admin...thank you so much...

Last edited by lordheinz (2008-09-01 01:23:04)

  • » If you've been wanting to change your username then this could be your only chance. Rules: - The new username you choose must be free (not already registered) - Allowed characters: alphabetical, n

Pages: 12

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