Re: :arrow: name of your school
:arrow: grade/year level
:arrow: name of your section..
[quote]name of your school
grade/year level
name of your section..[/quote]
Laguna College
2nd year hs
adanson(my clasm8s and me =[b]adansonista[/b]...)
Re: :arrow: name of your school
:arrow: grade/year level
:arrow: name of your section..
Section 1 -Aguinaldo
.our section is 'AGUiNALDO'. but wee coL ourSeLveSz [b]'SiBALiANSZ'[/b]. ahaha.
.2ndyr in Highschool. [/color]
Re: :arrow: name of your school
:arrow: grade/year level
:arrow: name of your section..
----->>name of your school
----->>grade/year level
----->>name of your section..
----->>St. Michael's Institute
----->>Grade 6
----->>Red[lab it.first section haha]