• » I've been a Windows user for how many years and yeah it's been really a good companion. But i find it annoying sometimes. Hah ~ And I just had switched to Macbook this year. It's pretty cool. But a no

Pages: 1

I've been a Windows user for how many years and yeah it's been really a good companion. But i find it annoying sometimes. Hah ~ And I just had switched to Macbook this year. It's pretty cool. But a no

#1  2008-09-01 16:53:18

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

I've been a Windows user for how many years and yeah it's been really a good companion. But i find it annoying sometimes. Hah ~ And I just had switched to Macbook this year. It's pretty cool. But a no

I've been a Windows user for how many years and yeah it's been really a good companion. But i find it annoying sometimes. Hah ~ And I just had switched to Macbook this year. It's pretty cool. But a no-no for gaming. Heh ~
  • » I've been a Windows user for how many years and yeah it's been really a good companion. But i find it annoying sometimes. Hah ~ And I just had switched to Macbook this year. It's pretty cool. But a no

Pages: 1

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