[quote=AFZULNIZAM]kapan ia mau datang[/quote]
dia ngak akan datang bro

but maybe someday he will be back

[quote=As cicatrizes]in the first place.,andrea and i just "liked" each other. we did not have a relationship[/quote]
oo.. is understand now :norose:

[quote=As cicatrizes]we shall see if this will be long[/quote]
yes.. i hope it will be long for both of you

[quote=ardy_gaul]dari tadi kek pake bahasa indo??
kan jadi g ribet??[/quote]
gak semua orang ngerti bahasa kite bro

off topic indonesia sekarang sepi kayak di hutan


oo.. i;m starving now.. have you pipolz eat dinner

Last edited by ago (2008-10-16 08:39:12)