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Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz]cover me cover me...[/quote]
i don't see anything
patut la aku pakai kaca mata gelap rupanya ah baru nampak
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[quote=AFZULNIZAM]i don't see anything
patut la aku pakai kaca mata gelap rupanya ah baru nampak [/quote]
haha aku tgh main cs nih..
haha.. :thumbsup:shit
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz]haha aku tgh main cs nih..
cis hampeh punya budak.........
ok ah aku nk off dah ni..aku nak balik umah sewa
ari rabu ni aku exam.....
bye2 all
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=AFZULNIZAM]cis hampeh punya budak.........
ok ah aku nk off dah ni..aku nak balik umah sewa
ari rabu ni aku exam.....
bye2 all[/quote]
ok captain..
semua dalam keadaan terkawal..
wish yew good luck..
[spoiler]yes2 ada can nih..haha [/spoiler]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz]yes2 ada can nih..haha [/quote]
aku blom off ligi kau dah ada project
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=AFZULNIZAM]aku blom off ligi kau dah ada project [/quote]
[i]ok captain..
semua dalam keadaan terkawal..
wish yew good luck..
haha [/i]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]ok captain..
semua dalam keadaan terkawal..
wish yew good luck..
haha [/quote]
kamu memang suka copy2..
bagus2 ada kemajuan
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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kamu memang suka copy2..
bagus2 ada kemajuan [/quote]
[i]hehe., copy is good elyas.,wkakakk~~how are u?[/i]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]hehe., copy is good elyas.,wkakakk~~how are u?[/quote]
hehe gud2..im fine2 here
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[i]oh, you're sick. you should take lots of rest lyas.[/i]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]oh, you're sick. you should take lots of rest lyas.[/quote]
maybe to much online..haha..
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz]maybe to much online..haha.. [/quote]
[i]haha.,u should be sleeping now elyas.,dont online for a few days so that u will get better[/i]
[i]i miss nizam. he said he will be offline for 5 days. [/i]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]haha.,u should be sleeping now elyas.,dont online for a few days so that u will get better:D
i miss nizam. he said he will be offline for 5 days. [/quote]
oke maybe 1 year
yes 1 week..dont cry..superman here
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz]oke maybe 1 year [/quote]
[i]haha!that long.[/i]
[quote=Lyas-rowkz]yes 1 week..dont cry..superman here [/quote]
[i]i dont want superman, i want nizamman[/i]
[i]i just received his PM when i went online that he will be offline 5 days. [/i]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]i dont want superman, i want nizamman:crybaby:
i just received his PM when i went online that he will be offline 5 days. [/quote]
plss dont cry babeh..
tomorrow he still online maybe,,haha
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=idiot_goblinz]^cinta 3 segi ka? [/quote]
sapa 3 tiga..haha..
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[quote=Lyas-rowkz][b]sapa[/b] 3 tiga..haha..[/quote]
pa itu [b]barang[/b]
» [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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