[quote=ViLia .A.;#3466403;1267450551]Alhamdullilah sehat,bang.
Btw, username-nya ganti font ya?, kalau dulu pakai huruf besar semua "AFZULNIZAM", sekarang jadi "Afzulnizam", memang bisa ganti seperti itu ya, bang?.
abang minta bantuan admin. hanya admin ya bisa.
[quote=koy1991;#3466407;1267451106]any proof?
sorry i have no proof
he have many proof to give u.. right nizam?
nizam show ur truee powerr now..
only superman power i can show hahah
[quote=kathleen24;#3467268;1267526233]hello, good evening.[/quote]
hello too
[quote=nikz11;#3469092;1267677311]oh guys miss you a lot too. good thing you still remember me. ^^[/quote]
who are you? seems like alien. hahaha
[quote=duchess;#3469233;1267683394]uhhh Hi?
lemme visit this section
hope its ok wit you guys.
welcome to the club
[quote=Lyas-rowkz;#3470134;1267771587]i cant do that..
but nizam can
where r u nizam..