• » [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

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[b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

[b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetarian, i jst wnt 2 share this to u guys.....[/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/smiling12.gif[/img][/url] [b] :exclaim: [color=blue]feel free to comment and/or ask questions..[/color][/b] =) [b].....[i][color=green]Vegetarianism[/color][/i] is the practice of a diet that excludes meat, fish, and poultry. .....Most vegetarians consume dairy products, and s0me eat eggs. [i][color=green]Lacto-vegetarianism[/color][/i] includes dairy products but excludes eggs, [i][color=green]ovo-vegetarianism[/color][/i] includes eggs but not dairy, and [i][color=green]lacto-ovo-vegetarianism[/color][/i] includes both eggs and dairy products. .....Semi-vegetarianism consists of a diet largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish and sometimes even poultry, as well as dairy products and eggs. The association of semi-vegetarianism with vegetarianism in popular vernacular, particularly [i][color=green]pescetarianism[/color][/i] (also called pesco-vegetarianism and described as a "vegetarian" diet that includes fish), has led to what vegetarian groups cite as improper categorization of these diets as vegetarian. The Vegetarian Society, which initiated popular usage of the term "vegetarian" as early as 1847, condemns the association of semi-vegetarian diets as valid vegetarianism; the organization points out that the consumption of fish is not vegetarian. .....A [i][color=green]vegan diet[/color][/i] is a form of vegetarianism which excludes all animal products from the diet, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs and honey. Strict veganism also excludes use of animal products for attire and adornment, whether or not the production has directly involved the actual death of an animal, such as wool, silk, leather, and fur. .....The reasons for choosing vegetarianism may be related to morality, religion, culture, ethics, aesthetics, environment, society, economy, politics, taste, or health. A generic term for both vegetarianism and veganism, as well as for similar diets, is "plant-based diets". Properly planned vegetarian diets have been found to satisfy the nutritional needs for all stages of life, and large-scale studies have shown vegetarianism to significantly lower risks of cancer, ischaemic heart disease, and other diseases.[/b] [b]list of some famous vegetarians:[/b] [b]:arrow: Albert Einstein [/b] 1879 – 1955 Swiss-German scientist; author of the theories of relativity "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." [b]:arrow: Mahatma Gandhi [/b] 1869 – 1948 Indian nationalist leader and advocate of non-violence [b]:arrow: Leo Tolstoy [/b] 1828 – 1910 Russian novelist; author of War and Peace "A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite." [b]:arrow: Henry Ford [/b] 1863 – 1847 US car manufacturer [b]:arrow: George Bernard Shaw [/b] 1856 - 1950 Irish dramatist, novelist and socialist "It is nearly fifty years since I was assured by a conclave of doctors that if I did not eat meat I should die of starvation." [i](He lived a healthy life and died aged 94.)[/i] [b]:arrow: Sir Isaac Newton [/b] 1642 – 1727 English physicist and mathematician [b]:arrow: Plato[/b] 428 – 347 BC Greek philosopher [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/infomilies12.gif[/img][/url] [b][color=#FF0000]feel free to comment pipz...[/color][/b]

Last edited by zyrax86 (2008-10-20 11:52:43)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

nice trivia you got there... although i don't eat veggies.. it's really nice to know these facts. thanks!
Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

wow! nc trivia sis tenx for teh info :ninja:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

[quote=gengskie]nice trivia you got there... although i don't eat veggies.. it's really nice to know these facts. thanks![/quote] [b]^hehe....thnx fer teh comment evn if u dnt lyk veggies...[/b] :D [quote=Kaygee :3]wow! nc trivia sis tenx for teh info :ninja:[/quote] [b]^ehe.......thnx kayg..[/b] :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

Thanks for the trivia. I can't be a vegetarian. I love meat. I was surprised that Einstein and Newton were vegetarians.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

I tried. But i cant. haha! :lol:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

[quote=jamessss:b]I tried. But i cant. haha! :lol:[/quote] Me too, i tried to avoid meat, but I cant :wallbash: [b]@TS:[/b] thanks for sharing and reminding, i'll try to at least minimize my meat consumption 'though =)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

i think i cannot be a vegetarian. it's hard. and i don't like veggies.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

I respect vegans/vegetarians & i know many but no matter how many people can try, it's hard to adjust when you've been [b]omnivorous[/b] your whole life. However, i think PETA is doing a great job on their end, to give support to issues like animal cruelty & what not. It's not bad to be fond of vegitarian OR vegan-ism, but you might be surprised how being an omnivore can be beneficial to us like getting minerals, protein & even vitamins. Hence, we just need to know when ingesting too much is TOO MUCH & i believe, one way of staying healthy is to target organic foods.
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

[b]I like veggies as wel, especially potatoes, but i can't avoid meat as wel. :) [/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

nice trivia :) thanks :D
  • » [b]hi guyz![/b] [url=http://smileyjungle.com][img]http://smileyjungle.com/smilies/greetings0.gif[/img][/url] [b]wel this is ol about [color=green]vegetarianism[/color]...[/b] [b]since i'm a vegetari

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