Re: it's whether you write on separate notebooks or in a binder or book pages.., or anywhere you like~~!! :D
notebooks!! big notebooks..! i tried binder but it's not enough..! i really write a lot..^^ i think every word of my teacher can be found in my notebook! pwahaha!
Re: it's whether you write on separate notebooks or in a binder or book pages.., or anywhere you like~~!! :D
when i was in highschool i prefer notebooks..
then when i reached my 1st and 2nd yr college i used binder...
then when i was in 3rd yr and 4th yr.. i usually right notes in a yellow pad... haha
or anywhere long as i can write on em haha then i just compile em...
Re: it's whether you write on separate notebooks or in a binder or book pages.., or anywhere you like~~!! :D
[color=#cc33ff]Binders do not work for me. I write a lot! xD
I waste too much paper when I use binders. LOL.
So yeah, I use separate notebooks for each subject.
I divide the notebook when it's a lab/lecture class. [/color]