[quote]Alright, this is the solution to all of your endless rants that the premade overlay layouts are not working. I decided to create this because the overlay generator isn’t updated yet since the Friendster’s recent changes.
Here’s a solid proof that the following steps perfectly work in Friendster: Overlay Test Account. That is just a test account. I didn’t edit the personal details but I showed some add ons like the cboxes, mp3 player, counter, clock, and such. I want to show everyone that overlay is really working unlike what others are claiming.
Now let’s proceed with the steps . . .
- Once you’re done editing as what I’ve stated on the general instructions on each layout, go to Markyctrigger.
- You’ll find there different versions of the Overlay Generator. Choose OG++.
- Nevermind the steps there. Follow what posted here in Kilometer69 instead. Copy your edited codes and paste it on the first box of OG++. Then, click the generate button.
- Copy the codes, paste it in a Notepad and save it with a file name: overlay.js
- Now go to Ripway and upload the overlay.js file you saved awhile ago.
- After uploading, get the direct overlay.js url. It should look like this:
- Replace the YOUR JS URL on the code below with your own overlay.js url.[/quote]
<">[quote]- Paste the above code in your Media Box. Hit Refresh if the layout doesn’t appear.
That’s all. I’ll try to respond to every question.

Last edited by ewangko13 (2008-09-08 21:09:29)