[b]Oopss..!! This is Still Under Update, It's Not Working Anymore[/b]

are you pissed because friendster block your codes?
now here they are.. all are working fine..
credits me..
for text..
[spoiler]here for colored text..
[spoiler]<font color="[b]red[/b]">
text here, put text here
for text with font face
[spoiler]<font face="[b]name of font[/b]">
text here, put text here
text with size
[spoiler]<font size="[b]1[/b]">
text here, put text here
for centered text
for text aligned left
[spoiler]<p align="left">
for text aligned right
[spoiler]<p align="right">
for tables
[spoiler]table with bg image
[spoiler]<table width="300" height="300" background="[b]URL BG IMAGE[/b]">
[b]text here, put text here[/b]
table with bg color
[spoiler]<table width="300" height="300" bgcolor="666666[b][/b][b][/b]">
[b]text here, put text here[/b]
for marquees
[b]moving text[/b]
[spoiler]just replace the < with <

and replace the > with >

need a preview? try to comment [url=http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=60121640]here[/url] to see it ..
Last edited by mhedge (2008-09-19 20:20:51)