• » [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

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[b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

[b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

[b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#" Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery. This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time. *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5% #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec 2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line :S oftware Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type 3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work 4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number) 5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols) 6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols) 7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols) 8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols) 9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone) 10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To 11 *#2640# Displays security code in use 12 *#30# Lets you see the private number 13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone. 14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to 15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea chable(no service)" calls are diverted to 16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to 17 *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330 18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores 19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible 20 *#7760# Manufactures code 21 *#7780# Restore factory settings 22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110 23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#) Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again 24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem 25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered 26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered 27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows: ** Register and Activate * Activate ## De-Register (and Deactivate) # Deactivate *# Check Status © Call button Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key - this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber ( e.g. +447712345678). Command Description Command String Security Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#© Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#© Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#© Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#© Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#© Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#© Display IMEI *#06# Call Forwarding (Diversions) De-register all call diversions ##002#© Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#© De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#© Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#© Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#© De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#© Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#© Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#© Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#© Activate divert on no answer *61#© De-register divert on no answer ##61#© Deactivate divert on no answer #61#© Check status of divert on no answer *#61#© Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#© Activate divert on not reachable *62#© De-register divert on not reachable ##62#© Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#© Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#© Divert on busy to number and activate /td> **67*number#©< Activate divert on busy *67#© De-register divert on busy ##67#© Deactivate divert on busy #67#© Check status of divert on busy *#67#© Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below) Call barring Activate barr all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#© Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #33*code#© Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#© Activate barr all calls **330*code#© Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#© Check status of barr all calls /td> *#330*code#©< Activate barr all outgoing international calls **331*code#© Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls #331*code#© Check status of barr all outgoing international calls *#331#© Activate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#© Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#© Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#© Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#© Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#© Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#© Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#© Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#© Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#© Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#© Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#© Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#© Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#© Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#© Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#© Call waiting Activate call waiting *43*#© Deactivate call waiting #43##© Check status of call waiting *#43#© Calling Line Identification The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider) CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call Activate CLIP **30#© Deactivate CLIP ##30#© Check status of CLIP *#30#© CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party Activate CLIR **31#© Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number© Deactivate CLIR ##31#© Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number© Check status of CLIR *#31#© COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number Activate COLP *76#© Deactivate COLP #76#© Check status of COLP *#76#© COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone) Activate COLR *77#© Deactivate COLR #77#© Check status of COLR *#77#© FOR SAMSUNG MOBILES :- *#06# -> Show IMEI *#9999# -> Show Software Version *#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions) *#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters *#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging. *#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature) *#9998*246# -> Program status *#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency *#9998*324# -> Debug screens *#9998*364# -> Watchdog *#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok. *#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog *#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W *#9998*544# -> Jig detect *#9998*636# -> Memory status *#9998*746# -> SIM File Size *#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table *#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error. *#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN *#9998*837# -> Software Version *#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibration activated. *#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected *#9998*872# -> Diag *#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error *#9998*999# -> Last/Chk *#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?) *#9998*9999# -> Software version *0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete) *0002*?# -> unknown *0003*?# -> unknown SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100 *2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES the Security Lock and formats The Mobile's Chipset ) But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, *2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset ( does not change the securitu CODE ) These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600 ERICSSON MOBILE SECRETS .:: Ericsson ::. Ericson T65 *#05# Fake Insert puk screen Press no to exit Ericsson T20 Ericsson T20 MENU tecnichal Info [type] >*<<*<* Displays : 1] Info service 1] Info SW 2] Info hardware 3] SIMlock 4]setup 2] Service setup 1] Contrast 3]Service Test 1] Display 2]Leds 3]Keyboard 4] ringer 5] Vibration 6]Headset 7] Microphone 8]Clock 4] Names List MENU info [Type] >*<<**< Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK Ericsson T28 Go to Top >*<<*<* menu Tecnichal info SW vers. and name list >*<<**< menu Personal Info Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK < and > are the right and left menu's keys Ericsson T18s/T10/A1018s >*<<*<* software CXC125065 Internal product code PRG 970715 1515 Software version and SW rev. <* CLR <><** >*<<*<*> Displays texts and messages in the phone It will be displayed " TEXT " then push YES < and > are the right and left menu's keys !!!><** Control /Enable SIM Lock!!! Ericsson R310 Go to Top Technical Info : >*<<*<* Options : 1) service Info info Software Simlock Configuration 2) Service Test Display Led/Illumination Keyboard ringer Vibration Headset Microphone Clock 3)Text's name List Info personal : >*<<**< SIM Locking ( 8 digits' code ) ( it could harm your phone ) 1) Network 2) Subnetwork 3) SP 4) Corporate [/b] NEED SOME REPU POH...=)=):thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

[quote=Zander]FOR SAMSUNG MOBILES :- *#06# -> Show IMEI *#9999# -> Show Software Version *#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions) *#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters *#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging. *#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature) *#9998*246# -> Program status *#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency *#9998*324# -> Debug screens *#9998*364# -> Watchdog *#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok. *#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog *#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W *#9998*544# -> Jig detect *#9998*636# -> Memory status *#9998*746# -> SIM File Size *#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table *#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error. *#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN *#9998*837# -> Software Version *#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibration activated. *#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected *#9998*872# -> Diag *#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error *#9998*999# -> Last/Chk *#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?) *#9998*9999# -> Software version *0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete) *0002*?# -> unknown *0003*?# -> unknown SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100 *2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES the Security Lock and formats The Mobile's Chipset ) But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, *2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset ( does not change the securitu CODE ) These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600[/quote] awesome. :thumbsup: im using SGH-X660.:lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

some of the code does not work to my phone
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

the reserve battery is for when your phone is off right? and the clock still works.. [hr] is there a code to view the phones lock code?

Last edited by mhedge (2008-09-10 05:51:52)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

[quote]the reserve battery is for when your phone is off right? and the clock still works.. is there a code to view the phones lock code?[/quote] You're correct mhedge! :thumbsup:=) Here's the info about Unlock NOKIA PHONE CODES NokiaFREE unlock codes calculator for windows allow to use your mobile phone with any service provider around the world. Repair, remove sim restrictions and unlock Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Maxon, NEC, Sony, Panasonic, Vitel, AEG / Telital, Alcatel cellphones. How to use: You only need to enter IMEI, to get IMEI numer you must press *#06# at your mobile phone keyboard and enter. To unlock nokia mobile phones you should select the operator company where you bought your cellphone or where your cellphone is locked. There are 2 version right there.....its defend what would like to download :D [b]DOWNLOAD[/b] :arrow: [url]http://unlock.nokiafree.org/download.php[/url] [i]penge naman poh ng repu[/i]:D:o
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

no I mean i forgot the lock code and i wan't to get it.. is there a code?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

Ahhh i don't know about it....maybe others knew it. try to search in yahoo or google.com
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

ahmm.. ok thnxx for that dude..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

..wow nice i'll try this thing but my other phone is Motorola du u have some code in that kind of phone just asking ..BTW tnx again
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

^ maybe theres nothing for motorola dude..
  • » [b][i]Mobile Cheats[/b][/i] [b]NOKIA 1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate

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