ia H bel..
make me some food bel....

[i]haha! go and cook your own food aga.

i will only cook for myself.[/i]

[i]what do you mean nope?i thought you already had a girlfriend? [/i]

[quote=Da BucKz]hha..
u knew me aiyt??? juz knida lazy boy (honestly)...
my lyf juz used 2 praying, dinning, sk8, basketballin' & sleepin...[/quote]
[i]i dont know you.

i just guessed you're a lazy boy coz you use 1-letter nickname,[/i]

[i]that's a nice life.,for happy-go-lucky people[/i]

[quote=Da BucKz]i stiil dun think so cuz admin ain't tell me tha reasons why he got banned....
i agreed, he's kinda nice moderator (dat's what i think), kinda always friendsly wit FTI & FTM coding master...

[i]hmmmmm~~i think he got banned coz of multiple accounts .,just visit the archives section.,and read the thread created by exceed,

exceed is lordheinz.[/i]

[i]yah,he is very friendly.,

i humbly agree with that, he is the person who does not bite.,wkakakak~~[/i]