[quote=hanabi_suigintou]YEAH I'M BACCCCCCCCCK!!

dari ujian2 ngeri ntu..
hasilnya juja udah keluar..
BTW, zefa gmn kabarnya??[/quote]
baek aja sih. ga sakit2an lah!

cuma rapot jelek.

maksudq pelajaran apa?[/quote]
mmm. seni sunda paling yang jelek. tapi, overall juga ga bagus2 amat.
btw, shella dapet ranking brapa?
ah brisik,

gw dah dateng neh, lol
ramein off topic yu? gw ngundang2 org ah xD[/quote]
wah. tar jangan2 orang yang ga gw kenal. tsk. bawa aja tu [u]dondon[/u] ke sini. asek tu.

[quote=dondon]haru fti ot

am i welcome here?

tsk. i was just talk to anne about you!

in fact, you're here. welcome to FTI.
sometimes it's really nice when a topic is peace and quite!
Last edited by xPEPPERMINTx (2008-12-19 23:03:26)