[b]Hi,Welcome to this thread
i wanna share yeh this tutorial
u need:
First create a image 300x150
Then in Backround use this [url=http://project-gimpbc.deviantart.com/art/Star-Brushes-by-KeReN-R-32865038]Brush[/url]
use 2 brush[color blue]
it will look liek this
paste in teh backround
And Duplicate Layer
Second,pick a gradient,web 2.0 Lpink gloss
it will look like this
then go to Dialogs>Layer>Overlay
Third,open any cute elementor anime
got to>Layer>Transperency>Add Alpha Channel
go to fuzzy tool,then click to teh image
if will not all cute go to eraser tool and erase it~
it will look liek this
and go to Edit>Copy
Fourth,go agen to teh untitled or backround image
then Edit>Paste
if u want to move it,move tool~
then,put some text in text tool and DONE~
my Other Outcome
Credits to:
PHoto Filtre
PS:Sorry for teh bad english
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-16 08:31:48)