i <3 eur graphics especially the
cosplay...! can i use one sis?
i lurve it verii much! plus repu for
you sis...! please keep making
more...good job! mwaaaxsh~![/b]
Arigatou everyone for those comments.
I appreciate all of them. Thread to be updated soon,
on Sunday, maybe. But I'mma try to make sure of it.
Till here. [b]Sayonara"[/b]
its been a while sis!! hi! droppin by ur premade thread..
whew..you've improved sis..yay!!
i love ur chibi and normal animes..
yay!! they looked so neat..keep up the good work sistah! muah!
[b]Ate Kymisa---[/b]
OhMai. IMYsomuch sis.
Long time no talk.
How are you? Glad you love
mai graphics. I'mma make
a lot more soon. Idol~
I miss your graphics.
Thanks everyone for giving me comments.
Sorry cause I've been inactive for a long period of time.
I'mma try to update this thread, if I have time for it.
*toodles --
i like this one
although the only one who looks like the real thing is the naruto cosplayer
nice works