i think that's normal..for me..
'coz when my crush was in front of me,i felt so
nervous and my heart beats so fast.
every time my crush is around i feel nervous.
[align=center]yAh! bEing nervouS is [b]normaL..[/b]
:PesPecially wEn thE guy knoWs u havE a [b]crUsh[/b] on hiM...[/align]
[align=center][quote]love is not bLind, it sEes but d0esn't mind[/quote]
[align=center] inlove...[/align]
[quote]if your deeply madly in love with your crush then you feel nervous, especially from the moment she speaks to you, you tend to broke your words, and sometimes answer the wrong questions that would make your crush laugh and tell you "your funny" then your body starts shaking. hehehehe[/quote]
^just sharing my experience.
it depends on my crush.. if he's a so-called-stranger.. i mean we're not that close i'll act as a shytype person that's normal to me.
but if he's one of my friends and we've known each other for a very long time then no need to be nervous anymore..