
thanks guys for the warm greetings..
they're highly appreciated..

[quote=Padme]Nice intro.. welcome to FTalk Sarfia..

Thanks for joining us here.
[b]But please take the time to read the [u][url=]Forum Rules[/url][/u].[/b] :idea:
It would really help you if you intend to stay a lot here at FTalk.[/quote]
thanks ate padme

. dont wori, before i registered to Ftalk, i already read and analyzed those rules posted.. hehe

y not.. i'll really stay here alot coz it's fun hanging around here..
[quote=exepect]You will have Lots of friends here! I'm one of them![/quote]
thank you!

i knew that people here are very friendly! hehe

[quote=kikay_girl]Hey sarfi!
Welcome to Ftalk!
Wow. your from zamboanga too?

hihi. well, i live in zamboanga.

hihi. uhm. what school are you from?

anyway, see you around.

Glad your here. hihi.

thank you sis kikay!

yah.. i'm from zambo.. haha..
i see.. cute gurls really come from there.. haha.. kiddin'

ahm, yeh.. you're even familiar..
i'm from Z.S.C.M.S.T. Lab. High.. (near fort pilar)
and you? i hope we'll meet sumday..
@2 ol who replied my post: thanks very muchos! gracias kuninyos!