that's the real fashion ^^[/quote]
I only appreciate people wearing these fashion if their clothes are all [b]visibly branded[/b]. Because you know what, almost all of the people in our place are into 'emo' style but don't really look good, they only look like they haven't take a bath for many weeks. Sorry for being so mean, but it's really true.

yeah..u'r ryt.. 4 me, they look like "adik"
sorry if I offend..
just saying my opinion...[/quote]
ryt guys...
though !m an emo (emotional)
type person...
! dont look l!ke a real mess to be !n...
coz fash!on for me !s
mak!ng ur own style not base on what 's !n,,
but base on ur preferences not the one
you saw !n vogue or !n other magaz!ne cover...
for me !ts makng ur own m!x & match th!ngy...
to look good not to look l!ke trash...