• » Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

Pages: 12

Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not find it that useful yet. But still I'm pretty sure it will of great help especially for those having a hard time tweaking their profiles... go and try! I'm open for questions, comments and suggestions (and maybe some co-developers)... check [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/cryogenix]my profile[/url] for a sample of what it can do... its got lightbox (on my Photo Gallery, Friends list & Fan Of), some neat addons like pingbox etc... [b]DOWNLOAD[/b]: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/xyryx/canopy.zip]Canopy BETA[/url] [b]DISCLAIMER[/b]: I do not take any credits for the features provided in this package (but some of them are made by me). Credits goes to FTalk and the original developers of such features/tricks/addons. Package is provided as is. I am not obliged to provide technical support or whatsoever. I only intend to help other people so criticizing such efforts proves your insecurity/immaturity/close-mindedness. [align=center][b]USER'S GUIDE[/b][/align] [b]Installation Instructions:[/b] 1. Edit "constructor.js" as you wish (replacing the url's with proper ones). 2. Upload everything in the [url=http://h1.ripway.com/xyryx/canopy.zip]package[/url] to a webhost like [url=http://ripway.com]Ripway[/url]. 3. Once everything is online, go edit your Friendster profile. 4. On your "Add Media" section, add the code below (editing the url address as necessary): <">5. Add another code on your "Add Media" section (editing the url address as necessary): <">6. That's it! You're done! Enjoy! [b]Code Manual:[/b] The purpose of this code manual is for use on step 4 above. First of, let us tackle the general structure of the main work file "constructor.js". <">Ok, so from the code above, there are only two general places which you will need to edit. The LIBRARY CALL AREA & the TWEAKS/PLUG-INS CALL AREA. The LIBRARY CALL AREA will not be edited that often unless a certain tweak/plug-in will require you to do so (which will be tackled later). On the other hand, the TWEAKS/PLUG-INS CALL AREA will be your main work area as the bulk of this package will be deployed here. Now let's see what codes are (currently) available to place on those areas. [align=center][b]LIBRARY LIST[/b][/align] [b]FancyZoom Library[/b] - including the files in this library should be in respective order: FancyZoom.js, FancyZoomHTML.js - include this library only when a setupZoom() call is invoked inside initCanopy() - be sure to edit FancyZoom.js and change the value of zoomImagesURI to the proper URL <">[align=center][b]TWEAKS LIST[/b][/align] [b]addBox[/b] syntax: addBox([HEADING], [CONTENT], [TARGET ID], [OPTIONAL: CONTENT PADDING]); description: adds another box to your profile preview: [url]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/5679/addboxmg1.png[/url] notes: - content can be a combination of html, text, and the different plug-ins (provided in the plug-ins list) - for more details on target id's, visit [url]http://theftalk.com/t13870-Friendster-ID-Class.html[/url] <">[b]addCSS[/b] syntax: addCSS([CSS URL]); description: includes an external stylesheet for your profile <">[b]addJS[/b] syntax: addJS([JS URL]); description: includes a javascript for your profile <">[b]addZoom[/b] syntax: addZoom([TARGET ID], [OPTIONAL IMAGE SIZE: small, medium, large]); description: applies a FancyZoom effect to the specified target id preview: [url]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/9092/1227851255944ga4.png[/url] notes: - after the last addZoom() call, a setupZoom() call should follow - must include the fancyzoom library at the top of this constructor <">[b]autoFriendAdder[/b] syntax: autoFriendAdder([YOUR FRIENDSTER EMAIL ADDRESS]) description: creates an automatic friend adder <">[b]changeLogo[/b] syntax: changeLogo([LOGO IMAGE URL], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT]); description: changes the default friendster logo with the specified image preview: [url]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/1036/changelogovl5.png[/url] <">[b]changeShoutout[/b] syntax: changeShoutout([SHOUTOUT]); description: changes the shoutout message in your profile with the specified shoutout text <">[b]changeTitle[/b] syntax: changeTitle([TITLE]); description: changes your profile page's title with the specified title text preview: [url]http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/5247/changetitlegt8.jpg[/url] <">[align=center][b]PLUG-INS LIST[/b][/align] [b]digsbyWidget[/b] syntax: digsbyWidget([WIDGET ID], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [TARGET ID]); description: creates a digsby widget (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if digsbyWidget() is called inside an addBox() - for your widget id, generate one first here: [url]http://widget.digsby.com/[/url] - from the given generated code, the widget id will be the one after "?c=" like this: <">where [b]545uzgik473veafg[/b] is this example's widget id. preview: [url]http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/6904/digsbywidgetin4.png[/url] <">[b]imeem[/b] syntax: imeem([PLAYLIST ID], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [OPTIONAL: AUTO PLAY], [OPTIONAL: AUTO SHUFFLE], [TARGET ID]); description: creates an imeem playlist based on the specified playlist id (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if imeem() is called inside an addBox() - for your playlist id, copy the embed code given at every imeem playlist and examine the code like this: <">where [b]Rw4HIrv1ov[/b] is this example's playlist id. preview: [url]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9756/imeemde6.jpg[/url] <">[b]onlineStatus[/b] syntax: onlineStatus([YAHOO! ID], [DESIGN TEMPLATE Nos. 1-16], [TARGET ID]); description: creates a yahoo online status indicator (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if onlineStatus() is called inside an addBox() - for design template information, visit [url]http://www.zimbio.com/Free+proxy+sites/articles/351/Cool+YM+Status+Image+Website+Blog+Friendster[/url] preview: [url]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/6745/onlinestatusia8.png[/url] <">[b]pingbox[/b] syntax: pingbox([PINGBOX ID], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [TARGET ID]); description: creates a yahoo messenger pingbox (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if pingbox() is called inside an addBox() - for your pingbox id, generate one first here: [url]http://messenger.yahoo.com/pingbox/[/url] - from the given generated code, the pingbox id will be the one after "wid=" like this: <">where [b]uHNk1Im2Mnm.Vvb9bTU3V7h9bfJ96d7z_D0-[/b] is this example's pingbox id. preview: [url]http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/983/pingboxat2.png[/url] <">[b]playlist[/b] syntax: playlist([PLAYLIST ID], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [THEME], [OPTIONAL: AUTO PLAY], [OPTIONAL: AUTO SHUFFLE], [TARGET ID]); description: creates a [url]playlist.com[/url] player based on the specified playlist id (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if playlist() is called inside an addBox() - available themes are: black, regular, blue, purple, pink, red, green - for your playlist id, examine the code you generate for your playlist like this: <">where [b]12345678[/b] is this example's playlist id. preview: [url]http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/2763/1228817551616og8.png[/url] <">[b]tagboard[/b] syntax: tagboard([HOST: [url=http://www.tag-world.com/]tagworld[/url] or [url=http://cbox.ws/]cbox[/url]], [TAGBOARD ID], [WIDTH], [POSTS HEIGHT], [FORM HEIGHT], [BORDER COLOR], [BACKGROUND COLOR], [CONDITIONAL: BOXTAG ID IF [url=http://cbox.ws/]cbox[/url] IS YOUR HOST], [TARGET ID]); description: creates a tagboard (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if tagboard() is called inside an addBox() preview: [url=http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/1976/tagworldqn6.jpg]tagworld[/url] | [url=http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/4356/cboxtg7.png]cbox[/url] <">[b]youtube[/b] syntax: youtube([YOUTUBE ID], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [OPTIONAL: AUTO PLAY], [TARGET ID]); description: inserts an youtube video as a content (can be used inside "addBox") notes: - target id must be omitted if youtube() is called inside an addBox() - for your youtube id, given a youtube url http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXnPZ6YZNqU for example, [b]bXnPZ6YZNqU[/b] is the youtube id. preview: [url]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/4395/youtubegy9.png[/url] <">[align=center][b]SAMPLE FILE "constructor.js"[/b][/align] Do the codes above seem too confusing? Fret not! It's really simple. Maybe this sample contents for the main work file "constructor.js" will help you figure out things much easier: <">The code above is very much like what I am currently using for [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/cryogenix]my profile[/url] with some information altered for my privacy. But come to think of it, isn't this code really easy to understand?

Last edited by Cryogenix (2009-07-17 04:19:19)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

Please provide the codes in the open and also a preview so we can see what the results are =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

Can u provide the manual for this "AIO" tweak..
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

What is Canopy anyway :lol: please provide a screenshot :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

there i updated it guys! sorry for the late posting of the manual (i was lazy yesterday doing it on a whim whilst i watched my One Piece marathon bonanza :) anyways there ya go... i named it Canopy based on a painter's canvas (where you can draw anything you like) then consulted a thesaurus for synonymous words... and hence, Canopy! :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

This one looks like a javascript library :lol: Cool!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

^i agree :lol: but thanks for updating bro :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

yeah sure no probs... any testers btw? i promise to port more tweaks and plug-ins soon depending on user feedbacks... :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

[b]wow nyct trik :thumbsup: bro kep it up any preview :)[/b]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

erm read it thoroughly... i provided previews (in links) for every function... :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

When I view ur profile with IE7 the top half of ur profile as a dark overlay ontop of the profile, when I try to clilck any link under it, for example, add friend, it does not work :retard:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

you may have viewed my profile the other day i suppose? because if thats the case, i'm pretty sure it's just some caching problems. i resolved the issue yesterday and apparently i discovered that my implementation of the yahoo pingbox for IE encounters errors and messes up the lightbox tweak... its been fixed. just try to reload the page completely [Ctrl + F5] or relog your friendster account. here's how my page renders on IE7 sir bobcar: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4049/esesuh6.jpg
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

Nope just viewed it when I posted the comment. I just tried again and see the same thing with IE7, even cleared my cache and cookies. [url]http://bobcbar.fileave.com/images/profile.JPG[/url]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

yeah i just also experienced the same problem (again) hmmm... scratches head* workin on it.... sigh...
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

oh isee.. it looks like a compilation of js tricks in one right? nice one sir.. =):thumbsup: i just viewed your page and i got the same result as sir bobcbar..
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

yes, its a compilation (and planning to add more soon)... but as things are now, i'm a little busy with thesis stuff at school so the bug fix regarding the lightbox issue in IE has come to a standstill at the moment... i'll get my hands on it as soon as i get my time spared....
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

your friendster account was suspended. How cool is that? =)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

@paulbubwit: *ignored @topic: hey guys, i resolved the lightbox bug in IE already where some overlay is preventing you from viewing the page correctly. apparently some of the libraries are conflicting with each other so i resorted to totally dropping the lightbox library and replacing it with FancyZoom which turned out actually cooler than lightbox :D enjoy the new release peeps XD
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

im so confused :/
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

well what do you expect, it's an all in one js library.... maybe you're confused because you just got lazy to read the very long user guide entirely and comprehend it well. but i'm pretty sure it's really very straightforward and easy to understand if you will only take the time to read it properly... yeah i know it's long :D but hey, my profile is a living testimony of it.... simple yet elegant as they say.... EDIT: :arrow: as of 11-29-08: added the new plug-in: Digsby Widget (works like Y! Pingbox) for Digsby Messenger users :D

Last edited by Cryogenix (2008-11-28 21:43:09)

  • » Hey guys i decided to compile some of the neat (not the annoying/malicious/useless/ugly ones) tricks here (and more to come on future updates) on FTalk. It's still under development so you may not fin

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