Here it is...
Compatible Only with [b]MANDIGO THEME[/b].
Go to your [b]DASHBOARD[/b] and select [b]DESIGN.[/b]
[b]1.[/b] Select [b]THEMES [/b]and choose [b]MANDIGO[/b].
Now you will have these in the sub selections:
[b] * Themes
* Widgets
* Theme Options
* HTML Inserts
* README[/b]
[b]2. [/b]Select [b]HTML INSERTS[/b]..
[b]3. [/b]The first box is [b]HEADER.PHP.[/b] This is where you can add the code for your css and js...
[b]4.[/b] So where can we get the CSS code...? Get it [url=]HERE[/url].. It's a long list...
but its pretty organize.. so its easy for you to understand and explore...
[b]5.[/b] The next four boxes..? You can add some embedded codes... Within and outside the body frame... Try it and See... If what among the boxes best work for you....
[b]6.[/b] After adding the codes, just hit UPDATE INSERTS and that's it..
[b]7. [/b]On[b] THEME OPTIONS[/b], the selections are pretty understandable... Edit some options here to your own liking... And select UPDATE OPTIONS.. and then your done..
Sorry all.. The list is pretty organized...
Since the code is already shared, just try to explore it...
I won't discuss to you each CSS ID... Anyways.. You can take a look on my [url=]Sample Blog[/url]...
I just edit few IDs.. And added a cbox code in the footer.php box.. Here's a [url=]Sample Code[/url] for you all... That's all I can provide now..
If anyone in here knows more... please care to share...
Post your questions and add infos here..
Last edited by cUtiEshika (2009-07-03 06:21:33)