[b]Some Information About Trixx[/b]
[sup]Do you know me already?[/sup]
My account don't work nomore. FACEBOOK ; [b] trixxiexd@yahoo.com[/b]
FACEBOOK ; [b] trixxiexd@yahoo.com[/b]
FACEBOOK ; [b] trixxiexd@yahoo.com[/b]
FACEBOOK ; [b] trixxiexd@yahoo.com[/b]
FACEBOOK ; [b] trixxiexd@yahoo.com[/b]
[b]Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)[/b]
[sup]Please do read this before asking questions [!][/sup][/align]
[b]Question[/b] What program did you use to create such Graphics?
[b]Answer[/b] Non-other than [b]Adobe Photoshop[/b]. I know you can use other softwares too. (;
[b]Question[/b] Did you make the Images in your signatures?
[b]Answer[/b] No. I got them from different image hosting like [b]Deviantart, Photobucket[/b].
I know its noticeable if able i made it or not, a'ight?
[b]Question[/b] Do you make personalized Request like Backgrounds, Signature, Avatar?
[b]Answer[/b] Yes i do. Until --> [b]December 10, 2008[/b] only. You can discuss it with me in [b]PM[/b].
&& Its not just that you PM me your request will be [b]ACCEPTED[/b]. Wait for my confirmation.
[b]Question[/b] Can you teach me how to do those things?
[b]Answer[/b] Sure. If i had time to teach you. Just [b]PM[/b] me a'ight? (;
[b]Question[/b] Can we use the Direct Link?
[b]Answer[/b] Before, i allowed people to direct link, but now, [b]NO[/b].
I might delete my work soon, better-- to upload them in your own. OK?
[b]HEY![/b] I have exceptions, regarding my old works, feel free to direct link a'ight?

[b]Question[/b] Do you made your tutorials?
[b]Answer[/b] Credits are given on my tutorials. Anyway, most of my tutorials, are made by mee.
I use my own words, own picture in expressing them. :">[align=center]
[b]Rules AND Regulations[/b]
[sup]Please read before you proceed[/sup][/align]
[spoiler][b]1.[/b] You can use them. Those GFX are made to be use, not just to be displayed.
[b]2.[/b] I don't like [b]redistributing[/b] of my works. So never do.
[b]3.[/b] Do not rip my works.
[b]4.[/b] You must [b]Credit[/b] me for the GFX you want to use.
[b]5.[/b] I appreciate everyone's [b]Comments and Reputation[/b]
[b]6.[/b] I accept everyone's suggestions & opinion.
[b]7.[/b] If you have questions, you an ask it here or via Private Message.
[b]8.[/b] I won't entertain any request posted here.
[b]9.[/b] I [b]simply[/b] love people, who keep on giving sweet comments :">[/spoiler]
[b]:: OLD WORKS -- Made last 2008-10-30 12:45:08 ::[/b]
[b]:: Comment Graphics ::[/b]











[b]:: Signatures ::[/b]
[b]Anime Signatures [ simple editings ][/b]
[b]Celebrities | Bands | Groups[/b]
[b]Random | Misc[/b]
[b]:: New Release Works ::[/b]
[b]Anime Version II | Simple Edits[/b]
[b]Bands | Groups | Cosplay | Artist[/b]
[b]Random Signatures Version I[/b]
[b]Random Signatures Version II[/b]
- picture : kiro kun XDD
[quote]Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended -- program i use to create GFX
Deviantart -- images
Photobucket -- images
Google and other search engines
Me.Myself.I -- for exerting some effort and time to create them
Mami Chariz -- i soo loev her and idolize her :*[/quote]
[b]Photoshop Tutorial/s[/b]
[spoiler][url]http://theftalk.com/t33616-Scanline-Photoshop-Tutorials.html[/url] -- Scanline
[url]http://theftalk.com/t44312-Photo-Manipulation---Photoshop-Tutorial.html[/url] -- Photo Manipulation
[url]http://theftalk.com/t33714-%5BPhotoshop-Tutorial%5D-Moving-Scanlines.html[/url] -- Moving Scanbar[/spoiler]
[align=center]My dear beloved copycat,
[quote]I was totally, fantastically and extremely dumbfounded to see you copying my works [b]WiTHOUT PERMiSSiON[/b]. I almost laugh, when you can't show them the proof that i did let you use it. But anyway, keep up the good works. I don't waste my life on arguing with this simple stuff. Ihateyou. :">[/quote]
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2010-01-28 05:28:43)