[quote=---xXirukiTepe---]It has nothing to do with r profiles.
U did not explained, on where to paste the coda..[/quote]
actually i mix it in the 2nd part of my js.file directly, so not using linker code. <script src="SCRIPT URL"></script>
after that am encrypt it together, coz if we're using direct script loader, it will saved to your PC with the other file if you're using "Save As". differrent than if you try using linker, the js.file wont be saved.
am do this juz for fun

but the script is different from this one for example : :idea:
function hpc_checklocation(l){s=l.indexOf("

/");if(s==-1){s=0}else{s=s+3};s=l.indexOf("www.");if(s==-1){s=0}else{s=s+4};e=l.indexOf("/",s);if(e==-1)e=h.length;d=l.substring(s,e);s=d.indexOf(":");if(s!=-1)d=d.substring(0,s);return d}if(hpc_checklocation(window.location.href)!="http://h1.ripway.com"){alert("YOUR MESSAGE");window.location="about:blank";}
this script has function to check your file domain, it mean your script will only work if you upload it on
http://h1.ripway.com from example above not from other file hosting. so the best way to used it is mix it with your script using direct script loader method and encrypt it, so your viewer didnt know where you upload it