Friendster Generators
"[i]Making Friendster Profiles Easier[/i]"
[i]Site is still UnderConstruction so please dont mind how bad it looks

[quote][b]WVM Hosting[/b]

Accordion Style -

Slider Style -

Standard Style -
[b]Preview :[/b]

Accordion Style - [url=http://www.sullen.pcriot.com/wvm/wvm/tracker_acco.php?os=8&id=48784585&owner=48784585&num=7]preview[/url]

Slider Style - [url=http://www.sullen.pcriot.com/wvm/wvm/tracker_slider.php?os=8&id=48784585&owner=48784585&num=7]preview[/url]

Standard Style - [url=http://www.sullen.pcriot.com/wvm/wvm/tracker.php?os=8&id=48784585&owner=48784585&num=7]preview[/url]

[url=http://sullen.pcriot.com/v2/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=61]Registration Here[/url][/quote]
@Mods. Pleasant Greetings! Please view my spoiler
[spoiler][quote][b]off topic[/b]
[color=red]@mods[/color] : What permission do i need from the code makers
so i can use there codes for my generator?
In what way do i ask for permission. so i can share my generators already? thnx

The Codes i used for my generators are from topics in the js forum.
& im giving all the coders there credits. What else should i do? please give me tips mods
I really would like to share my Generators.

Lets Be Friends

[spoiler]Add me [url=http://friendster.com/iogin]HangMan[/url][/spoiler]
Last edited by majidarif (2008-11-01 06:37:24)