i made my own costumized layout
i've set my profile skin to [b]No Skin/Custom CSS[/b]
then on the account settings: who can leave a comment to [b]selected contents [/b]
approve comments automaticaly to [b]never[/b]
so here's the problem. after changing and saving those settings i tried viewing my profile and the background i made is there and the account settings are ok,but when i tried logging out and signed back in everythings ruined,my profile skin changed to [b]JanSport®[/b](the skin i used before,after making a new one),then in the account settings-who can leave a comment changed to [b]friends only[/b] and approve comments automaticaly changed to [b]always[/b](still the settings i used before,after changing them)
so whats wrong?how can i stop this?help!