[quote=MiNEKOARCH;#3524901;1271348680]OMFG, Para to kay Nix.


[quote]@@@ forsakendoll
I've been hearing a lot of bullcrap lately.

Frankly I don't give a damn about you anymore and I sure hell dunno what your problem is, but I suggest you stop blaming me for every shitty lil thing that's happening in yer life.
Why the hell would I create a fake account just to tell you some fvck up stuffs when I can say it to your face?
I ain't gonna stoop down to your level. I don't ask people not to befriend you. I never even asked anyone to hate you. I don't dig old graves just to get somebody on my side. I don't use people, I don't drag people who doesn't have anything to do with any of this in our lil ruckus. I don't tell people this line: "if you go to them for sure they'll backstab you too."
Like wtf? I don't do those things XHIEEN, you do.
Do you think I'll get piss with your "photoshop" attack? Look around you, everyone's using ps. Can't you think of anything else to say to me?
Modesty aside, I know I am gorgeous

And I bet you know that, you just don't wanna admit it to yourself because THAT'S ALL YOU GOT AGAINST ME.
Hey, you brought this upon yourself. I didn't do anything to you.
I chose to ignore you at first but you're teh one who keeps provoking me, calling me "virtual highness", telling ppl I 'exceed your expectation' (whatever that means), posting fail fb stats, flaming here in F...
Oh my God, stop harassing me.

Do you want my attention that badly????
And oh btw, to teh people who believes in her, I am not mad at you. In fact, I want you to tell her about this post. I know who you guys are.
If you're smart enough, you start gathering your facts first before you say bad things about me, or better yet. stay neutral, do not take sides.
If you don't know anything, good fer you. Keep it that way.

If you have a personal problem with me, I'm one PM away.

Ahlabet XDDD Taenang yan XDDD Magsamasama mga poorgirl. Ambot

San mo nakuha to men?!