• » [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

Pages: 1

[b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. simpleMe sir Ephemeral ME.. :D[/spoiler] [b]step 1[/b] :arrow: [b]Save this as .html[/b] :thumbsdown: [b]edit teh bolded parts on your own[/b] [spoiler]<html> <head> <script> // CREDITS: // Gum Slideshow 3.11 // By Peter Gehrig // Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli. All rights reserved. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is. // Additional scripts can be found at http://www.freewebknowledge.com/jscodes.php var slideurl=new Array() var slidecomment=new Array() var slidelink=new Array() var slidetarget=new Array() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EDIT-ZONE STARTS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the URLs of your slides (images) slideurl[0]="[b]IMAGE URL HERE[/b]" slideurl[1]="[b]IMAGE URL HERE[/b]" slideurl[2]="[b]IMAGE URL HERE[/b]" slideurl[3]="[b]IMAGE URL HERE[/b]" // Add a link for each slide // If you don't want to link a slide type "[b]#[/b]" instead slidelink[0]="[b]LINK HERE[/b]" slidelink[1]="[b]LINK HERE[/b]" slidelink[2]="[b]LINK HERE[/b]" slidelink[3]="[b]LINK HERE[/b]" // Add a target for each link // Allowed values are: "_blank", "_top", "_parent", "_self" or the name of a frame slidetarget[0]="[b]_blank[/b]" slidetarget[1]="[b]_blank[/b]" slidetarget[2]="[b]_top[/b]" slidetarget[3]="[b]_blank[/b]" // Add a comment for each slide slidecomment[0]="[b]COMMENT HERE[/b]" slidecomment[1]="[b]COMMENT HERE[/b]" slidecomment[2]="[b]COMMENT HERE[/b]" slidecomment[3]="[b]COMMENT HERE[/b]" // Set the font for the comments var slidefont="Australian Sunrise" // Set the fontcolor for the comments var slidefontcolor="green" // Set the fontsize for the comments (HTML-values ranging form 1 - 6) var slidefontsize=5 // Set the width of the pictures (pixels) var slidewidth=237 // Set the height of the pictures (pixels) var slideheight=130 // Set the pause between the pictures (seconds) var pause=3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EDIT-ZONE ENDS HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var preloadedimages=new Array() for (i=0;i<slideurl.length;i++){ preloadedimages[i]=new Image() preloadedimages[i].src=slideurl[i] } var ns4=document.layers?1:0 var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0 var ie=document.all?1:0 var imgpreload=new Array() for (i=0;i<=slideurl.length-1;i++) { imgpreload[i]=new Image() imgpreload[i].src=slideurl[i] } var pos_left=0 var pos_top=0 var speed=20 var step=10 var i_loop=0 var i_image1=0 var i_image2=1 var i_space="" var all_space="" var max_space=20 var content="" var i_slide=0 pause*=1000 function stretchimage() { if (i_loop<=slidewidth) { if (ie) { imgcontainer1.innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a>" document.all.imgcontainer2.style.posLeft=document.all.imgcontainer1.style.posLeft+i_loop imgcontainer2.innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image2]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image2]+"'><img width='"+(slidewidth-i_loop)+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image2]+"' border='0'></a>" } if (ns6) { document.getElementById('imgcontainer1').innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a>" document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').style.left=parseInt(document.getElementById('imgcontainer1').style.left)+i_loop document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image2]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image2]+"'><img width='"+(slidewidth-i_loop)+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image2]+"' border='0'></a>" } i_loop=i_loop+step var timer=setTimeout("stretchimage()",speed) } else { clearTimeout(timer) var imgcontent="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a><br><font face='"+slidefont+"' size="+slidefontsize+" color='"+slidefontcolor+"'>"+slidecomment[i_image1]+"</font>" if (ie) { imgcontainer1.innerHTML=imgcontent document.all.imgcontainer2.style.posLeft=document.all.imgcontainer1.style.posLeft+i_loop imgcontainer2.innerHTML="" } if (ns6) { document.getElementById('imgcontainer1').innerHTML=imgcontent document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').style.left=parseInt(document.getElementById('imgcontainer1').style.left)+i_loop document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').innerHTML="" } changeimage() } } function changeimage() { i_loop=0 i_image1++ if (i_image1>slideurl.length-1) {i_image1=0} i_image2=i_image1-1 if (i_image2>slideurl.length-1) {i_image2=0} if (i_image2<0) {i_image2=slideurl.length-1} if (ie) { document.all.imgcontainer2.style.posLeft=document.all.imgcontainer1.style.posLeft } if (ns6) { document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').style.left=parseInt(document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').style.left) } var timer=setTimeout("stretchimage()",pause) } function simpleslideshow() { i_slide++ if (i_slide>=slideurl.length) {i_slide=0} document.slideimage.src=preloadedimages[i_slide].src simpleslideshowcomment() var fadetimer=setTimeout("simpleslideshow()",pause) } function simpleslideshowcomment() { if (i_space>=0){ all_space="" content="" for (i=0;i<i_space;i++) { all_space+=" " } for (i=0;i<slidecomment[i_slide].length;i++) { var thisletter=slidecomment[i_slide].substring(i,i+1) thisletter=thisletter+all_space content+=thisletter } window.status=content i_space-- var fadetimer=setTimeout("simpleslideshowcomment()",20) } else { clearTimeout(fadetimer) i_space=max_space } } function simpleslideshowjump() { if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_self") { document.location.href=slidelink[i_slide] } else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_blank") { codepopup=window.open(slidelink[i_slide], "code", "status=yes,location=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=780,height=580,top=10,left=10"); } else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_top") { top.location.href=slidelink[i_slide] } else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_parent") { parent.location.href=slidelink[i_slide] } else { var jumpto=eval("parent."+slidetarget[i_slide]) jumpto.location.href=slidelink[i_slide] } } if (ie || ns6) { var slideh=slideheight+30 document.write("<div style=\"position:relative;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;overflow:hidden\">") document.write("<div id=\"imgcontainer1\" style=\"position:absolute;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;top:0px;left:0px\"><img src=\""+slideurl[0]+"\"></div>") document.write("<div id=\"imgcontainer2\" style=\"position:absolute;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;top:0px;left:0px\"><img src=\""+slideurl[1]+"\"></div>") document.write("</div>") window.onload=stretchimage } else { document.write("<a href=\"javascript:simpleslideshowjump()\"><img name=\"slideimage\" src=\""+slideurl[0]+"\" border=0></a>") window.onload=simpleslideshow } </script> </head> </html>[/spoiler] [b]step 2 [/b]:arrow: [b]save this on your js[/b] :thumbsdown: [b]edit teh bolded part[/b] [spoiler][quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()})) window.onload = function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()}; function GumSlideshowShoutOut(){ var artmann = "<iframe id=\"tickermain\" src=\"[color=#FF0000][b]Link of your GumSlideShow.html here[/color]\[/b]" width=\"100%\" height=\"160px\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>"; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.height='160px'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+artmann+"</td></tr></table>"; }setTimeout("GumSlideshowShoutOut()",4000);[/quote] [b]or like this..[/b]:thumbsdown: [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()})) window.onload = function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()}; function GumSlideshowShoutOut(){ var artmann = "<iframe id=\"tickermain\" src=\"[color=#FF0000][b]Link of your GumSlideShow.html here[/color]\[/b]" width=\"100%\" height=\"160px\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>"; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.height='160px'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+artmann+"</td></tr></table>"; }[/quote] [/spoiler] or use like this instead :thumbsdown: put teh codes inside ur onload handler, look teh bolded part [spoiler]function onProfileLoad() { //onload handler [b]var artmann = "<iframe id=\"tickermain\" src=\"[/b][color=#FF0000][b]Link of your GumSlideShow.html here[/color]\[/b][b]" width=\"100%\" height=\"160px\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>"; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.height='160px'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+artmann+"</td></tr></table>";[/b] } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/spoiler] [spoiler][align=center][color=blue][b]2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 - forever kakaibang Pilipinas makikita ng buong mundo.... Philippines: As A First World Country Filipino Missionaries will be the next great missionary force in the world Bansang may pagmamahal at tunay na takot sa Diyos maunlad at mgandang pamumuhay mas masayang pamilyang Filipino sumasabay o mas mahusay na teknolohiya sa mundo.. Malinis na election mga tapat at mahuhusay na Leader ng Bansa at marame pang iba[/b][/color][/align][/spoiler] [align=center][b]screenshot[/b] [img]http://i26.tinypic.com/2ldxamf.jpg[/img][/align]

Last edited by mabuhay (2009-07-13 06:27:30)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

Wow first to comment! Nice trick my friend I will certainly give this one a try soon thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

good one ..suites for photo lovers..

Last edited by watashi (2008-11-04 00:01:20)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

cool so nice thank you for sharing
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

nice one bro...replacing shoutoutbox... :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

its cooll :thumbsup: thx por sharing good job
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

nice nice [i]kuya[/i] :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[b]Nice... and so we can also use this for... photos, friends, or primary pic as well..... haha thanks for this.[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

w0w...kewl..ahaha.nice nice..!! thnks for sharin ^^
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

tnx for sharin :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

thanks 4 teh compliments guys.. :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

wow nice trick thx for sharing.. :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[b]im using it right now [/b] :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

wow!! nice trick.. thanks for sharing.. gonna used this..:D
Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

wow! nc trick tenx for teh share :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

nice trick bro :) can be used for credit box :)

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-11-06 02:56:12)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[quote][b]---xXirukiTepe--- wrote:[/b] Nice... and so we can also use this for... photos, friends, or primary pic as well..... haha thanks for this. [b]simpleMe wrote:[/b] nice trick bro :) can be used for credit box :)[/quote] ur welcum.. thanks 4 teh repu bro. simpleMe 4 those who are not familiar with Friendster Div IDs :D proceed here.. then change teh bolded parts of js codes... :thumbsdown: Friendster Div ID/Class [url]http://theftalk.com/t13870-Friendster-ID-Class.html[/url] [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()})) window.onload = function(){GumSlideshowShoutOut()}; function GumSlideshowShoutOut(){ var artmann = "<iframe id=\"tickermain\" src=\"Link of your .html\" width=\"100%\" height=\"160px\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>"; document.getElementById('[b]cpShoutoutBox[/b]').style.height='160px'; document.getElementById('[b]cpShoutoutBox[/b]').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('[b]cpShoutoutBox[/b]').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+artmann+"</td></tr></table>"; }[/quote]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[b]actually u may be able.. to work this out, even without the onload function. Just a tip for the users... who are trying to minimize the codes in their files. ----------------------------------- But, much better, w/ a function. =) cool.. bro.[/b] <">
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

[quote][b]---xXirukiTepe--- posted[/b][/quote] thanks 4 teh wonderful explanation my friend.. =) :thumbsup:
  • » [b]Slideshow with unique double-gum-effect. You may add a link and comment for each slide (image)[/b] [b]credits:[/b] :thumbsdown: [spoiler]Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli www.freewebknowledge.com bro. si

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