Before we start i would like to introduce the trick
It was suppose to replace the targeted word or content on a particular varied div id's for example you want to change the marital status on the controlpanel box or content_0, let say the word embedded there is Single you can simply change it to Taken By or Already Married.
You can also change the said age for example the age is 64 then you want to change it to any age you like then it could be 9999 or 12121 or anything you want.
In short you could change anything significant existing to that targeted div id by using this script
[b]Controlpanel Box[/b]
<">You can see that i use "content_0" as a target id for the trick which would enable us to easily manipulate and mangle any words wherein embedded to that area.
It was suppose an innerhtml method but then to ensure its full capability and its assurance to work i revised it to an OOP method. so then as you can see the "Hometown:" will be changed to "I Came From:" cause we putted it like that on the script
Take note that when changing a word on a targeted id make sure that the word is "Correct" and its the same exact word in order for that to be replace successfully
this is one of the part in the script that you could modify and change which is the bolded parts
[quote]NewVal = NewVal.replace('[b]Company:[/b]', '[b]Organizations:[/b]');[/quote]
Now that we know we can change it to anything like flashes or images or anything you want. the new possible concepts and idea may come to this trick so if you learn something new or any suggestion to it feel free to feed it back on this thread
To add a variable on the script just follow this method
Below of this words:
[quote]NewVal = PstVal;[/quote]
Put this script:
[quote]NewVal = NewVal.replace('[b]Target Word Here[/b]', '[b]Your own word or images or flash here[/b]');[/quote]
Another usage for this script is that you can remove or hide the targeted word for example
[quote]NewVal = NewVal.replace('Member Since:', '');[/quote]
You will notice that the other part is blank which means it doesn't have any replacement instead it will just remove the word.
[b]About Me Area[/b]
For changing the data on about me(content_6)
Put this inside of your onload handler
and then you may paste this or put this to the lowest part of your scripts
<">the part what you will change is self explanatory and common-sense so its up to you on what you will put there.
[b]Preview Here:[/b]
Mai waifu Yuna([i]for being mai insipiration<3~[/i])
[url=]Class-S[/url] Group[/quote]
Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-11-05 08:34:17)