[b]U can now also recruit [i]Zunda, Retso, Shun Min[/i].
read number 26 post, give her all d Window Sets.
To recruit Retso and Shun Min, u must need 1st 2 recruit [i]Subala[/i].
u need Lun on ur party, go back 2 Raftfleet, u'l c her der, den she wil invite u 2 a fishing duel outside ur headquarters, if u won d duel, she wil befriend u, den u can now recruit Retso and Shun Min.
[i]Retso and Shun Min[/i]
go 2 d inn at Raftfleet, u'l c dem der, talk 2 Retso, he'l talk about a sum kind of fish, den go fishing agen w/ Subala, Logg and Lun, if u caught a strange fish, give it 2 Retso, dat's d fish he's talking about, after dat, dey wil befriend u.