[quote=ykisaragi16]it so long n no big deal y it need me to wait???????[/quote]
Lets say for example, You are playing on a "[b]Who wants to be a Millionaire[/b]" lol
And you are in the [b]$900,000 [/b]question round. If you got it wrong, Do you want to have a consolation prize?. After all the hard works of answering those previous question?. Or you just want to go home with [b]nothing[/b]
Then that was like FriendsterTalk, We're giving you a consideration of being active on this forum for 6 months and that's your prize. Just like in Contest. You need to answers some questions correctly and you will get the 1M with all your hard works.
There's no such games that you will get the1M prize as easy it is. You should do something to get it..
How's that?. Get it?.
Just be active.
LOL example