[spoiler]<!-- *** START of CODES *** -->
<!-- *** Floatcode from
http://www.javascriptfx.com/ *** -->
<!-- *** Playlist under Panel from jheiii_x3 *** -->
<!-- *** Compiled by Minoru *** -->
var dchsz;
try {dchsz = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e) {dchsz = document.createElement("<div>");}
dchsz.innerHTML = "[color=red]<div id=\"[/color][color=violet]divBottomRight[/color][color=red]\" style=\"position:absolute\"><b><embed allowScriptAccess=\"never\" allownetworking=\"internal\" src=\"http://www.loudfusion.com/widgets/music/10\" name=\"Loudfusion.com\" quality=\"high\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"USERID=259548&FOLDERID=44025\" width=\"126\" height=\"54\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"></embed></b></div>[/color][color=blue]<br><img src=\"http://h1.ripway.com/Minoru/from_autumn_to_ashes-the_fiction_we_live.jpg\" alt=\"The Fiction We Live\"></img><br><b>From Autumn To Ashes</b><br><b>The Fiction We Live</b><br><br><a href=\"http://h1.ripway.com/Minoru/From Autumn To Ashes - The After Dinner Payback.mp3\" target=\"blank\">The After Dinner Payback<br><img src=\"http://h1.ripway.com/Minoru/download.png\" alt=\"Download\"></img></a>[/color]";
document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").parentNode.appendChild(dchsz) ;
var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);
var d = document;
function JSFX_FloatDiv(id, sx, sy)
var el=d.getElementById?d.getElementById(id):d.all?d.all[id]:d.layers[id];
var px = document.layers ? "" : "px";
window[id + "_obj"] = el;
el.cx = el.sx = sx;el.cy = el.sy = sy;
var pX, pY;
pX = (this.sx >= 0) ? 0 : ns ? innerWidth :
document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ?
document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;
pY = ns ? pageYOffset : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
pY += ns ? innerHeight : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ?
document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;
this.cx += (pX + this.sx - this.cx)/8;this.cy += (pY + this.sy - this.cy)/8;
this.sP(this.cx, this.cy);
setTimeout(this.id + "_obj.floatIt()", 40);
return el;
JSFX_FloatDiv("[color=violet]divBottomRight[/color]", [color=red]-150[/color],[color=red]-100[/color]).floatIt();
<!-- *** END of CODES *** -->[/spoiler]
put your playlist and your label after
dchsz.innerHTML = "
remember always put \ (backslash) before every ". as always. or your script will go bananas.
and then
put your playlist that will float inside this named div tag after <b>
<div id=\"divBottomRight\" style=\"position:absolute\">
<b>put your playlist here<b>
<div id=\"anyname just name your div id like the name that will be put on your float code..
After this named div tag put whatever you want haha.. any valid html embed img link whatsoever will work.. it will be seen under your control panel buttons.
JSFX_FloatDiv("divBottomRight you can edit this name. put your div id for your named div tag here..
wont work if it is not the same name..
JSFX_FloatDiv("divBottomRight", -150,-100).floatIt();
-150,-100 will be the position where your playlist will go.. you can edit this factors...
a little editing on it will do..
as long as you follow what i said it will work...
for live preview view
Java Script FX
for Floating Div
for Playlist in your Control Panel XD[/spoiler]
Last edited by jMinoru (2008-11-08 04:55:06)