I'll make this tutorial strait.
this tutorial is primarily made for newbies who don't know anything, if you already know css, this will be enlightening for you.
First of all download FIREFOX here
yes it is a requirement for this tutorial.
In this tutorial we will use DOM inspector addon extensively, only firefox has this addon hence the requirement.
Dom inspector can be launch by clicking Tools>Dom Inspector, or CTRL+SHIFT+I
So what is dom inspector for?
Dom inspector(DI) is an addon for firefox. see more addons
It's main use is to display the structure of a webpage.
A webpage is actually structured when you inspect it using DI, just like the structure of windows explorer.
What are the information displayed in DI?
Basically, it shows everything a webpage has, tags, attributes, id, classes, scripts, so on and so forth.
Why do we need this for CSS?
For us to easily find the class or classname of an element which is the backbone of CSS.
Lets use DI to find a classname or id
You need to click the encircled part. That is the inspect button(IB), you will now be able to select any part of your profile.
Example we want to get the id of control panel. In the right frame of DI, all attributes of the selected element will be listed including id and class if specified in html.
Now that you have the id of control panel. you can now add a rule in your external css.
Say you want to make a bordered control panel
#controlpanel_1_1 {
border: 1px solid #FFFFFF
For more css check here
That's it for now, i'll update this topic according to your inquiries and feedbacks.
Last edited by xavierkym (2007-10-30 15:03:29)