» ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein
Pages: 1
ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein
ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein
ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice being a part of this community..
Re: ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein
hi justin..
welcome to ftalk..
please obey the rules
Re: ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein
hello [b]Justin Minoru L. Luna[/b]
nice introduction
welcome to friendstertalk.
thanks for visiting here.
Enjoy your stay and have fun.
God Bless
» ei guys!!
My name is: Justin Minoru L. Luna
Im just a newbie here..
soo id0nt know much about this forums..
but ive been using th0se js codes p0sted on the js section hahah..
its nice bein