[quote]NOTE : if this topic was already posted, kindly pls delete this.. Thank you!
Lately,i found out this software where in you can make some pixels with ease..
Ive been using photoshop in making pixels for a long time, but sometimes i encounter some difficulties esp. in putting some details into tiny images.. I dont know if you're already familiar with this software, well, its been out for a very long time (i think) but just in case you're not, here is the software im talking about :
Pixel Editor is a Program that will let you :
* Make buttons for your Web sites and programs
* Create and edit small images in either standard or custom sizes in depths up to 16 million colors
* Create and edit semi-transparent PNG images in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel
* Paint images with pen, brush, airbrush, ellipse, rectangle, line, curve tools
* Draw smooth lines and shapes with antialiasing
* Roll, shift and rotate images
* Paint images with gradient and chess fill
* Modify images with various effects such as drop shadows, opacity, smooth, negative, grayscale, colorize, rotate, roll and mirror
* Resample images with smooth
* Import and export .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .wbmp, .xpm
* Copy and paste images to other applications
* Print images
If you wanna download the software just visit : This [url=http://www.iconempire.com/pixel-editor/index.htm]LINK[/url]
And here are some of the pixels i made (im still trying to learn more about making pixels)
[img]http://oh-eight.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/mickey.gif[/img] [img]http://oh-eight.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/love-virus.gif[/img] [img]http://oh-eight.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/ice-cream.gif[/img] [img]http://oh-eight.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/plant.gif[/img][/quote]
Last edited by jamessss:b (2008-11-18 08:51:32)