I suppose that all people download from rappidshare.com which is the biggest file sharing
machine these days. But there are some limitations like the time limit. Most people can't afford
premium membership or don't have a credit card so they spend months on downloading with those
limitations. So can we bypass these limits? Of course yes. So let's give it a try.
Most of the hacks mentioned here are functioning but some of them have some requirements to
work so just read them carefully.
Just visit the link you are going to download and select the free download method and then in the
adress bar type javascript:alert(c=0), and then press ok at both windows that will apear. Then go
download your file without losing time. (This one worked for me)
2.Get a new ip from your isp
In windows get in command prompt and type the following:
This will give you a new ip and you will be able to download again without limits. This one requiers
a dynamic ip and not a static one to work.
3.Connection restart
Just restart your connection or restart your modem if you have a wireless connection and you will
get a new ip to download whatever you want.
4.Use two NICS and one HUB
First download a file from rapidshare. Then dissable one NIC (network interface card) and enable
one different as soon as the download is finished. While you enable the new nic restart your modem
and your isp will give you a new ip. Then download the second part of your file. When the second
download finishes make a bridge between your NICs and when you restart your modem you will
have a new ip.
5.Clone your mac adress
Just look for MAC cloning applications over google. After you download one go to rapidshare and
download your file. After the download is finished you need to change your MAC adress, then
restart your modem and you will have a new ip to download more files.
6.Use Firefox's switchproxy
Open up Firefox and go to here:
http://mozmonkey.com/switchproxy . Look for free proxy srvers
and as soon as you reach your download limit clean your cookies and change your proxy.