• » Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Pages: 12

Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]alert("hello"); alert("hello + pagviewerFName);[/quote] So we expect the above code to show two message boxes, the first one will say "hello", the second one "hello YourName" Let see what will happen if we test it. Oops... not even one showed up... :doubt: Now this is where EC is good at. Here's a screenshot of what EC, btw to open EC click Tools>Error Console [img]http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/Tracker%20Tutorial%20%20by/error.jpg[/img] The screeny shows two error, ignore the urchin tracker errors, those are google ads' error, they doesnt affect anything in your profile. The first error tells us which line of code messed up, notice the encircled link, that's our js link(this is always the link we need to look for incase there are many errors), click it. And the link will pop up our js code. Notice again that the source highlighted the line of error. [img]http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/Tracker%20Tutorial%20%20by/src.jpg[/img] Now this is the difficult step. How will we fix that line of code? What if the line look so cryptic we cant even understand what the hell that line's for. This is what we call DEBUGGING :wasted:. It is already beyond the scope of this topic because debugging requires you to have atleast basic knowledge in javascript, to learn more about js goto www.w3schools.com/js So what now? How will we fix it? For the sake of this tutorial, we will move on, atleast for this example only. Now we go back to ripway and edit our js there. And we fix the error. [quote]alert("hello"); [b]alert("hello + pagviewerFName);[/b][/quote] the above error is actually caused by a missing quotation. So after fixing, the code should look like this [quote]alert("hello"); alert("hello[b]"[/b] + pagviewerFName);[/quote] Then we test it again, im sure it will work.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

hehe... be d first one to comment.. nice.. firefox really great.. :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

I am second to comment :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Great tutorial on how to find erorrs in our pages. Thanks Ken. :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Thanks for this kind of tutorial...Actually im having a problem with my site coz my js files are not working and only my css files are working. But before it works lately knowing some other tricks i edited my codes again...afterwards my js doesnt work at all...I tried to used this tutorial of yours and i found out lots of errors but honestly speaking I dont know how to fix....dont know which one should i fix...please help me....These are the examples of my errors: Error: Error in parsing value for property 'border-style'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://theftalk.com/style/imports/FriendsterTalk_cs.css Line: 99 Error: Expected ':' but found '}'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://h1.ripway.com/marggie120905/marggiesfiles.css Line: 122 Error: missing ; before statement Source File: http://h1.ripway.com/marggie120905/marggiesfiles.js Line: 71, Column: 28 Source Code: "<li><span>FEMALE, IN A "LOVE OF A LIFETIME" RELATIONSHIP</span><br></li>"+ Error: Unknown property 'zoom'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://h1.ripway.com/marggie120905/marggiesfiles.css Line: 108 Error: Expected color but found '#'. Error in parsing value for property 'color'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://h1.ripway.com/marggie120905/marggiesfiles.css Line: 120
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

you dont need to solve the first error, because it is an error of friendstertalk page you only need to fix the third error, which tells you that there is a missing semicolon, i believe the error is about qoutations, you cannot quot a quotation itself, you have to escape all quoted quotation, to escape, just insert \ before a quotation. [b]\" [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Just want to know whats the meaning of this... Error: document.getElementById("blogs_1_3") has no properties Source File: http://h1.ripway.com/marggie120905/SPFiles.js Line: 66 Here's my codes for replacing my blog box: function embed(){ var ephemeral = "<center><embed src=\"http://www.commentyou.com/Generators/Custom-Clocks/clock.swf?s=146&h=3&u=http://www.commentyou.com&i=8&b=0x0000FF\" quality=\"high\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"197.05\" height=\"197.05\" name=\"Custom Clock\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"samedomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" />"; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').style.height='300'; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>"; }setTimeout("embed()",10000); I just hope somebody will going to help me...thanks in advance!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

it means that it is trying to access the properties of blogs, but it couldnt find because it doenst exist yet, probably still loading. the solution for that is not to use setTimeout because internet conection is very volatile. use this code instead document.onload= function() { var ephemeral = "<center><embed src=\"http://www.commentyou.com/Generators/Custom-Clocks/clock.swf?s=146&h=3&u=http://www.commentyou.com&i=8&b=0x0000FF\" quality=\"high\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"197.05\" height=\"197.05\" name=\"Custom Clock\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"samedomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" />"; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').style.height='300'; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('blogs_1_3').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>"; }
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

Ah ok...thanks for the reply i'll try this...one more thing...lots of my codes has a settimeout...would that be ok?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

no, they are not ok, especially for those who uses dialup, you can still use them but edit them just the way i did
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

I tried the codes but still the image doesnt shown up...
» Guest

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

hmhm.. i always receive errors in EC because of my scrollbar.. wahaha... :lol:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

nice =) thanks to this,i found out that my page is full of errors :lol: but dont know how to fix them :wasted: :wallbash:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

ohh my.. thx for this.. my profile has tons & tons of errors.. :lol:
jC>>aNgeL oF dArKnESs<<Cj
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

kinda stupid question..but..what is error console??..i dont really know it....
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

:o :o very..very...very...useful :thumbsup: i guess IE also has debugger feature tools-->internet options-->Advanced uncheck "disable script debugger" but its not as convinient as FF @marfill, could u give some tutorial about DOM Inspector as well :P
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

@topic nice tutorial kya ken.. btw ur alert("hello"); alert("hello" + [b]pag[/b]viewerFName); maybe its page?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

[quote=marfillaster]Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]alert("hello"); alert("hello + pagviewerFName);[/quote] So we expect the above code to show two message boxes, the first one will say "hello", the second one "hello YourName" Let see what will happen if we test it. Oops... not even one showed up... :doubt: Now this is where EC is good at. Here's a screenshot of what EC, btw to open EC click Tools>Error Console [url]http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/Tracker%20Tutorial%20%20by/error.jpg[/url] The screeny shows two error, ignore the urchin tracker errors, those are google ads' error, they doesnt affect anything in your profile. The first error tells us which line of code messed up, notice the encircled link, that's our js link(this is always the link we need to look for incase there are many errors), click it. And the link will pop up our js code. Notice again that the source highlighted the line of error. [url]http://h1.ripway.com/mumbhaki/Tracker%20Tutorial%20%20by/src.jpg[/url] Now this is the difficult step. How will we fix that line of code? What if the line look so cryptic we cant even understand what the hell that line's for. This is what we call DEBUGGING :wasted:. It is already beyond the scope of this topic because debugging requires you to have atleast basic knowledge in javascript, to learn more about js goto www.w3schools.com/js So what now? How will we fix it? For the sake of this tutorial, we will move on, atleast for this example only. Now we go back to ripway and edit our js there. And we fix the error. [quote]alert("hello"); [b]alert("hello + pagviewerFName);[/b][/quote] the above error is actually caused by a missing quotation. So after fixing, the code should look like this [quote]alert("hello"); alert("hello[b]"[/b] + pagviewerFName);[/quote] Then we test it again, im sure it will work.[/quote] nice poting broo =) keep up the good attitude :D :D :D go ...........go..............go.......... :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

@parlay there's already a tut for DOM inspector check this out http://theftalk.com/t5044-Learn-Inspector.html =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

post deleted..

Last edited by friendskler (2009-01-28 03:00:44)

  • » Error Console(EC) is a firefox only feature so i suggest you to download firefox it you dont have firefox. Lets get straight to the point. Example our external js source looks like this [quote]ale

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