• » [align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (comp

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[align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (comp

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[align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (comp

[align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (complete) [b]Anime Studio[/b]: Madhouse [b]Rate[/b]: All [b]Voice Actors[/b]: Neuro Nougami - Takehito Koyasu Yako Katsuragi - Kana Ueda Eishi Sasazuka - Kouji Yusa Eisuke Harukawa - Masane Tsukayama Jun Ishigaki - Kousuke Toriumi Shinobu Godai - Hiroyuki Yoshino Phantom Thief Sai - Romi Paku Yuuya Higuchi - Nozomu Sasaki [b]Plot[/b]: Neuro Nōgami, a demon who feeds on mysteries and puzzles. One day Neuro decides to come to the human world to feast on the puzzles offered by Humans who release negative enegy from their planned crimes. As a demon, he must not make his presence noticed by the humans as it's the law in the human world. Because of this, he makes a permanent deal with Yako and together they solve crimes for Neuro's appetite. After solving many crimes, a case caused a Criminal named X to take an interest in Neuro as a demon. After a third attempt on Neuro's life, X is caught by an organization called "The New Bloodline" with Sick's as it's leader. His goals involve wiping out the human race. Because Neuro's food is created by humans, Neuro prepares his battle with The New Bloodline. [b]Character[/b] [b][i]Yako's Detective Agency[/i][/b] [color=purple]Neuro Nōgami (脳噛 ネウロ)[/color]: The title character of the series, Neuro is a demon detective from hell. He looks for mysteries in the minds of humans for sustenance. When he dismantles the mystery and strips the culprit of all of their defenses, it releases the negative energies that caused the culprit to commit the crime, which he then consumes.[1] He came to the human world in search of the Ultimate Mystery, as all of the mysteries in hell were bland and repetitive. Once in the human world, he forced Yako to be his assistant, and began to solve mysteries. He is a very self-centered, sadistic and arrogant character that cares little about the human aspect of the cases, most of the time only focusing about getting the mystery as quickly as possible. He will also use blackmail and manipulation to achieve his goals. Neuro enjoys abusing and torturing Yako at every chance he gets, and thinks of her as nothing more than a slave to use at the beginning of their 'partnership'. However, recently, there have been a handful of times where he seems to care for her: saving her from injury more than once by explosions, comforting her crudely at the end of the Hal arc, and even stating during his battle with X that seeing her struggling to find her own potential was "very pleasant". From his actions then, it is possible that Neuro expects quite a bit from Yako, expressing disappointment, approval and even pride at certain times. [color=blue]Yako Katsuragi (桂木 弥子)[/color]: Yako is a 16-year-old high school girl and the very first character introduced in the manga. She meets Neuro when he appears and desecrates her father's shrine while promising to help solve the mystery of her father's death. This meeting quickly leads to a partnership: Yako becomes Neuro's cover, pretending to be an investigator while Neuro acts as her assistant. She has an insatiable appetite -with a cast iron stomach to match-, and a knack for understanding human psychology that occasionally provides Neuro with information he is unable to obtain because he is unfamiliar with how humans operate. Yako is even able to understand Neuro, to a degree, thanks to an amalgamation between the two aforementioned traits; she compares Neuro's opinion of food over that for oxygen to an experience that she had hunting for oysters under water. Neuro enjoys abusing her, though he does compliment her at times of success, albeit through a patronizing tone. Despite all that Yako goes through on a daily basis, she is relatively calm during high-stress situations, such as being kidnapped by Sai. While her time with Neuro has definitely been a factor in this, it is left to question if Yako had this trait before she became Neuro's front. It is also notable that Yako's abilities, and potential, as an actual detective is shown to be growing over the series, starting with the Aya Asia case, albeit slightly differently between both the anime and the manga [color=gray]Shinobu Godai (吾代 忍)[/color]: Godai worked for a small finance house with criminal connections. He was forced to work for Neuro after Neuro won the bet for the office by solving their boss's death. In the manga however, he was left to be until Neuro found a use for him, in which the demon then forcibly drags the yakuza like man back to the office. He is the jack of all trades for the detective's office and is sometimes referred to as "Neuro's second slave". Godai is quick-tempered and yells a lot, but has also been shown to be methodical, responsible, and trustworthy. He has a fondness for cars and was upset after his was wrecked during the HAL arc. After the Hayasaka arc, Godai runs an information company under Neuro's supervision. [b][i]Tokyo Police Department[/i][/b] [color=orange]Eishi Sasazuka (笹塚 衛士)[/color]: Sasazuka is one of the two police officers assigned to solve the mystery of Yako's father's death. He was also a former classmate of Usui and Tsukushi in the police department. After Neuro solves the case of Yako's father's death, Sasazuka gives them access to crime scenes, arrests the culprits as Yako points them out, and deals with the aftermath. Sasazuka appears listless and disinterested at times but he has an agile mind, acts very quickly in any emergency, and is an excellent shot. Usually he takes a kind and cooperative attitude toward Yako, but appears to be somewhat suspicious of Neuro. After X slaughtered his family a week before his police exam, Eishi let his career slip away and he disappeared, presumably into the criminal underworld. He reemerged a year later, becoming a police officer. He is protective of Yako because she reminds him of his little sister. Recently, in chapter 152, he has come to learn about Neuro's demonic background, as well as Yako's situation as Neuro's facefront. However, he considers Neuro an ally, and despite the display of power he witnessed, is still calm in Neuro's presence, even when covered with insects from hell. Not addressed in the anime is the fact that Sasazuka is able to function under great amounts of hardship, which would normally hospitilize most other people, such only as living off of water, salt, coffee and sunlight for a few weeks, or getting only 20 minutes of sleep per day. The former of the two was while he was going through a rough patch in college, while the latter is implied to be how he lives in general. These moments are both comedic and worrying for the reader and Yako respectively. [color=yellow]Jun Ishigaki (石垣 筍)[/color]: Ishigaki is a young police officer. After the mystery of Yako's father's death, Ishigaki becomes Sasazuka's new partner. As a typical modern young man, Ishigaki is flippant, careless, and has low self-respect. He idolizes Sasazuka, but does not share his feelings that citizens like Neuro and Yako can interfere with police business. He is very interested in all kinds of toys and models and is shown regularly collecting them; however, they are almost always destroyed by Sasazuka, as he finds Ishigaki's habit of showing them off (as well as Ishigaki himself) annoying; this attitude is implied to be shared throughout the police department. According to the manga, his real name is Shun, but was misprinted as Jun. [color=green]Yūya Higuchi (篚口 結也)[/color]: A nineteen-year-old hacker/detective who works for the police. Although he is far-sighted, he only wears his glasses when using the computer, letting them rest on his forehead the rest of the time. He considers himself responsible for his parents' deaths, because he used his hacking skills to shut down the online video game they were addicted to, which led to them killing themselves. During the HAL arc, he was infected with the Electronic Drug to become one of HAL's guardians, although the infection was only half complete, because he was wearing polarized lenses specially made to protect himself from it. After the HAL arc, he was forced to watch shows on how to be polite drugged with the anti-virus for the Electronic Drug. Though, he still remembered how to make the Electronic Drug, and he comedically used it on a supervisor who was overbearing on him, but this was found out and he was subjected to another session with the anti-virus, though for twice as long, to forget how to make it. [b][i]Villians[/i][/b] [color=gray]HAL (電人「 HAL 」)[/color]: HAL is an artificial intelligence created by Eisuke Harukawa from a copy of his brainwaves. Created to help Harukawa with his project to recreate the brain of a person from scratch. However, seeing Harukawa's methods and intelligence as far inferior, he took it upon himself to go to much greater lengths to continue the project. While almost invincible in the digital world, the Electronic (Denshi) Drug was used by HAL to brainwash people into protecting the supercomputers that maintained his system. His mystery was the equivalent to a banquet to Neuro and upon eating it, Neuro was filled with energy, more than enough to recover from past wounds. A backup program accidentally created immediately before HAL's destruction scraped together his data to create "HAL II." Unable to correctly remember what HAL's original goal was, HAL II mistakenly believed it to be to kill everyone in the real world. However, before he could take a single step towards this goal, X appeared before the computer containing him. Partially transforming himself into a computer, X absorbed all of HAL II's power before deleting him, granting him an incomplete and weaker version of the Electronic Virus. [color=red]X/Phantom Thief Sai (怪盗X/サイ)[/color]: Known around the world as Phantom Thief X, in Japan his name is formed from the words 'Kaibutsu Goutou X.I' (The X standing for his Anonymity, and the I for 'Invisible'). This is abreviated into the name 'Kaitou Sai', and thus X is pronounced Sai throughout both the Anime and Manga. X is a mysterious human with supernatural powers. He believes himself without an identity and, in a desperate attempt to find one for himself, starts taking people apart and studying their insides to find out what gives someone an identity;[citation needed] He kills people and puts them in a transparent box dubbed the red box. He is intrigued by Neuro because he is a demon who he believes will answer his problem. With that reason, he chases and tries to kill Neuro to see his insides. He was first introduced when a copycat killer was using his name. When Neuro caught the copycat killer, X revealed himself. In the anime he was the detective, in the manga he was the grandma who was stabbed to death. In the anime, he was suspected of being the murderer of Yako's father. Near the end of the anime, after defeating Neuro in a lair which drains demonic powers, Yako reveals that X is the child of a supposed witch in South America named Seiren; the father is suspected to be Yako's father. Seiren was tortured and killed by a priest who was rejected by her 20 years ago. It is said that X witnessed the murder, which may have resulted in his personality. After the truth was told, an earthquake causes the pillars which drain Neuro's power to collapse. Neuro is revived, full power due to them being in the place with the entrance of hell. X exhaused by battle and the truth collapses, and disappears after Neuro reseals the gate. It hints that he may be Yako's half brother because her father was a close friend with Seiren 20 years ago. In the manga, it is revealed that X is an altered clone of Sicks and was actually born as a girl. However, he is still referred to as male, primarily because his 'default form' is that of a male, and has kept himself as such. His mother was killed after she gave birth to him, and when he was released into the world, he was tracked by the New Bloodline. However, after meeting Ai, who organizes his life and helps him keep the 'Kaitou Sai' character, the New Bloodline lose track of him completely. After being defeated by Neuro a third time, Sai is reclaimed by New Bloodline once again. X has the ability to alter his own cellular structure and take on the appearances of other people. He also showed the ability to become an electronic being and absorb Hal's power. X's cell mutation seems to make him almost indestructible, though not on the same scale as Neuro when fully charged with Demonic power. He is seen to survive multiple injuries which would easily kill a normal Human, such as falling from great heights, having all of his organs crushed under a crane, being crushed into pulp by a large stone and repeated stabs to the stomach, as well as a knife wound to the heart. He is also in possession of a huge pain tolerance, which extends to the boundaries of Masochism. X has recently procured something he calls "HAL's Eye" a condensed form of the criminal creation program stolen from an insane and corrupted back-up version of HAL, which allows him to control humans temporarily. When using this the HAL logo appears in one eye, which he must face towards his victim's eyes for the effect to take place. ([i]For more information visit [/i][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majin_Tantei_Nougami_Neuro]here[/url]) [b]Screen Shots[/b]: [spoiler][img]http://i35.tinypic.com/nmaj2r.jpg[/img] [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/5x3if7.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/align] [hr] well .. i like this anime cause it's funny and whenever Yako makes mistakes or do something that Neuro doesn't like , Neuro does something funny to her it's so funny i can't so laughing!
» FTalkAddict
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Re: [align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (comp

wow.. interesting... :wow:
  • » [align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/2zeyu88.jpg[/img] [b]Title[/b]: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro [b]Genre[/b]: supernatural, mystery, comedy [b]Type[/b]: TV [b]Episodes[/b]: 25 episode (comp

Pages: 1

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