[quote=faithroxas]you're really good!
keep 'em up!
all of ur worx are really nice!
wow thanks sis!
[quote=chiin]nc one siz ^^
post more..[/quote]
haha thanks sis chiin
[quote=m4ndz9]nice works ate cha!
i'm gonna be using some ha?[/quote]
sure sure
just dont forget the credits
[quote=LALOLA]the COOLER the BETTER siggies and avatars youv'e made...
keep it up siz CHARLENE AJOSE....[/quote]
i will
thanks for dropping by
[quote=geedz_uno]nice one, specially those w/c are requested from the ftalkers..
i loev their designs[/quote]
yo thanks bro
[quote=endlezluver16]nice premades charl!
and nice texting with you last nyt.
ahe. mind if you could also make a personalized siggie for me?
thanks sis!
nice txting with yuu too haha
haha actually they are not requests
those are just gifts to my friends heheh XD