[quote][align=center][b]OLD SIGGIES[/b]
Credits go to:
Photoscape - for the GIF-ing [lol]
Picnik - for the editing and some other stuffs
Photobucket - for the BB codes
Google - for the pics
Deviantart - for the pics
Glitter graphics - for the pics
Me - for makin' it. lol[/color]
[quote=rules]Premades: Post graphics atleast 8. premade threads with less than 8 graphics will be deleted.[/quote]
Well anyway. Add [b]4 more[/b] or else this will be closed by moderators.
Your works are oh-so-cool.
Keep them up
Nice premades, i like it all
you should add [b]4 or more[/b] premades asap
so your topic wont be locked or trashed
anyways, thanks for sharing.
keep it up