Here's all about me!
[spoiler]first 0f all, mY nAme iS:
[b]jea marie erames perez
[/b]bUt m0stLy, mY fRnDs caLL mE:
i'm speNding my eLementary years in:
[b]little village elementary school[/b]
[b]im Livin my precious life the way i want it to, be without any doubts[/b]
` i kn0w my [b]Limitations[/b]
` i kn0w wen t0 c0ntinue n0r wen t0 st0p the things im d0in
` everyone's not perfect, n0r d0 i..s0 i also have my [i]blemishes, pitfalls, weaknesses and problems[/i]
` i love to reason out, but sometimes im an antagonistic thinker
` i love to eat ALOT!.. hav midnyt snacks..etc.. i enjoy surfing the net.. listening to muh favorite songs..
i hate people hu are such feelers, KSP, feeling rich, murag c kinsa!, plastic and sipsip, copycats, agawan, killjoy, boring kasama..

n0 one has the right to judge nor insult me
because im just livin my life the way i want it to
i g0t l0ved 0nes hu loves me and handle me with care..
i L♥vE:
♥> mi familia
♥> frnDs hu r L0yal 2 me
♥> i L0ve evrything b0ut me:)[/spoiler]
Last edited by GReeNTeaMRulEZzzZZ (2008-12-06 02:34:44)