[align=center][quote=bajulet2318]what if your bestfriend spend more time in computer games and
he/she lack in time w/u.?

i'll try to tell her my feeling..
i think..
i'll try to come to her world wiff computer games..
so i can know why she so love to plays game on9..^^
[quote=bajulet2318]maybe both but i most prefer bestfriends.. what if you lost your bestie just because of computer games?
so i treasure any moments with my bestfriend..

eventhough we dont see each other often..[/quote]
i think i won't lost my Bestie coz that..

coz i can arrange my tym for her and for playing computer games..^^
n sumtyms i invite her to plays the games wiff me..

[quote=bajulet2318]yep! but you know why i post this topic? cause my bestfriend exchange me for a comp game so called "Audition"what the??! im so disappointed when i ask him what is important, our friendship or computer games, and he answered "computer games!"

even his studies were affected! because of that game he spent his tuition fee for EP points.. eerrrr! thats all for now..[/quote]
it's so hurt if our bestie said lyk that..
he has a problem, that's why he lyk to playing Audition game..^^
all my friends who playing on9 games has a problem wiff his/her family..
i guess..

good luck..^^
